LION® сплав F55


Duplex Steel F55 (UNS S32760): Product Introduction

Duplex stainless steel F55, also known as UNS S32760, is a highly corrosion-resistant alloy with superior mechanical properties. This article provides a comprehensive introduction to Duplex Steel F55 (UNS S32760), covering its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance at different temperatures, industry applications, shapes and sizes, production standards, welding and processing capabilities, advantages and disadvantages, and a comparison with similar alloys.

Химический состав

Duplex Steel F55 (UNS S32760) has a well-balanced chemical composition that enhances its corrosion resistance and mechanical strength:

ЭлементСостав (%)
Хром (Cr)24.0 – 26.0
Никель (Ni)6.0 – 8.0
Молибден (Мо)3.0 – 4.0
Медь0.5 – 1.0
Вольфрам (Ж)0.5 – 1.0
Nitrogen (N)0.20 – 0.30
Углерод (С)00,030 макс.
Кремний (Si)1,00 макс.
Марганец (Mn)1,00 макс.
Фосфор (Р)00,030 макс.
Сера (S)00,010 макс.

Механические свойства

Duplex Steel F55 (UNS S32760) exhibits excellent mechanical properties suitable for demanding applications:

Предел прочности, тыс.фунтов на квадратный дюйм (МПа)109 min (750 min)
Предел текучести (смещение 0,2%), тыс.фунтов на квадратный дюйм (МПа)80 min (550 min)
Удлинение (% на 2 дюйма)25 мин
Твердость, Роквелл C (HRC)32 max

Характеристики производительности

Duplex Steel F55 (UNS S32760) offers superior performance across various conditions:

  • Устойчивость к коррозии: Excellent resistance to chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking (SCC), pitting, and crevice corrosion in aggressive environments, such as seawater and chemical processing.
  • Strength: Higher strength compared to standard duplex stainless steels, making it suitable for structural applications requiring high mechanical strength.
  • Weldability: Good weldability with appropriate filler materials and techniques, ensuring ease of fabrication and repair.

Промышленные приложения

Duplex Steel F55 (UNS S32760) finds extensive use in industries requiring robust corrosion resistance and high strength:

Промышленный секторПриложения
Нефти и газаOffshore and subsea equipment, including pipelines, risers, and subsea umbilicals.
Химическая обработкаHeat exchangers, pressure vessels, and tanks handling aggressive chemicals.
морскойSeawater desalination plants, marine structural components, and offshore platforms.

Формы и размеры

Duplex Steel F55 (UNS S32760) is available in various forms and sizes to meet specific application needs:

  • Формы: Sheets, plates, bars, tubes, pipes, and fittings.
  • Размеры: Thickness ranging from 0.5 mm to 50 mm for plates, and diameter ranging from 6 mm to 300 mm for round bars.

Производственные стандарты

Duplex Steel F55 (UNS S32760) adheres to international production standards ensuring quality and reliability:

Форма продуктаДоступные формыДоступные размерыПроизводственные стандарты
Плиты/листыЛисты, плитыThickness: 0.5 mm – 50 mmASTM A240, EN 10088
Бары/стержниКруглые стержни, Квадратные стержниDiameter: 6 mm – 300 mmASTM A276, EN 10088
Трубы/ТрубыБесшовные, СварныеНД: 6 мм – 300 ммASTM A790, ASTM A789

Сварка и обработка

Duplex Steel F55 (UNS S32760) offers good weldability and processing characteristics:

  • Сварка: Can be welded using standard methods like TIG, MIG, and submerged arc welding, with proper preheating and post-weld heat treatment to maintain corrosion resistance.
  • Обрабатываемость: Generally lower than austenitic stainless steels, requiring slower speeds and more power for machining operations.

Преимущества и недостатки

ПреимуществаExceptional corrosion resistance in aggressive environments, high strength, good weldability, suitable for a wide range of applications in marine, oil and gas, and chemical industries.
НедостаткиLower toughness compared to austenitic stainless steels, requires careful handling during welding and fabrication due to its dual-phase microstructure.

Сравнение с аналогичными сплавами

Duplex Steel F55 (UNS S32760) is often compared with other duplex stainless steels such as F51 (UNS S31803) and super duplex stainless steels like F53 (UNS S32750). Here’s a brief comparison:

Тип/свойство сплаваDuplex Steel F55 (UNS S32760)Duplex Steel F51 (UNS S31803)Супердуплексная сталь F53 (UNS S32750)
Устойчивость к коррозииExcellent resistance to chloride-induced corrosion including pitting and crevice corrosion.Excellent resistance, slightly lower than F55 in aggressive chloride environments.Enhanced resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion, particularly in seawater applications.
СилаHighest strength among duplex steels, ideal for heavy-duty applications in harsh environments.High strength with good toughness, suitable for general-purpose applications.Higher strength compared to standard duplex steels, suitable for structural applications.
ПриложенияOffshore platforms, heat exchangers, and seawater handling systems.Oil and gas, chemical processing, marine environments.Similar applications with broader use in structural and architectural applications.

This detailed article introduces Duplex Steel F55 (UNS S32760), highlighting its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance characteristics, industry applications, available forms and sizes, production standards, welding and processing capabilities, as well as advantages, disadvantages, and a comparison with similar alloys. Engineers and professionals seeking durable materials for applications requiring corrosion resistance and high strength will find this information valuable for selecting the appropriate alloy to meet specific operational needs.