STELLITE® aleación 12


STELLITE® Alloy 12 Product Introduction

STELLITE® Alloy 12 is a cobalt-based alloy known for its excellent resistance to wear, corrosion, and high temperatures. This article provides a comprehensive introduction to STELLITE® Alloy 12, detailing its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance at different temperatures, industry applications, shapes and sizes, production standards, welding and processing capabilities, advantages and disadvantages, and comparisons with similar alloys.

Composición química

STELLITE® Alloy 12 is primarily composed of cobalt, chromium, tungsten, and molybdenum, along with other elements for enhanced properties.

ElementoComposición (%)
Cobalto (Co)31.0 – 35.0
Cromo (Cr)8.0 – 10.0
Tungsteno (W)0.5 máx.
Carbono (C)0.15 máx.
Níquel (Ni)3.0 máx.
Hierro (Fe)3.0 máx.
Molibdeno (Mo)1,0 máx.
Silicio (Si)1,0 máx.
Manganeso (Mn)1,0 máx.
Fósforo (P)0.03 máx.
Azufre (S)0.03 máx.

Propiedades mecánicas

STELLITE® Alloy 12 exhibits excellent mechanical properties suitable for high-wear applications:

Resistencia a la tracción, ksi (MPa)110 (760) minutos
Límite elástico (0,2 % de compensación), ksi (MPa)75 (520) min
Alargamiento (% en 2 pulgadas)20 minutos
Dureza, Rockwell C (HRC)28 – 36

Características de presentación

STELLITE® Alloy 12 offers excellent performance in severe conditions:

  • Resistencia al desgaste: Exceptional resistance to abrasion, erosion, and metal-to-metal wear, making it ideal for high-stress wear environments.
  • Resistencia a la corrosión: Good resistance to oxidation and corrosion in high-temperature environments, including acids and alkalis.
  • Resistencia a altas temperaturas: Maintains high strength and hardness at elevated temperatures, up to approximately 1200°F (650°C).

Aplicaciones industriales

STELLITE® Alloy 12 is widely used across various industries for its wear and corrosion resistance properties:

Sector industrialAplicaciones
AeroespacialValve components, extrusion dies, and turbine seals requiring high wear resistance and durability.
Petróleo y gasPump parts, drilling tools, and valve seats exposed to abrasive environments and corrosive fluids.
Generación de energíaBoiler components, steam turbine seals, and high-wear parts in power plant equipment.
Industrial MachineryWelding electrodes, cutting tools, and wear plates in manufacturing equipment.

Formas y tamaños

STELLITE® Alloy 12 is available in various forms and sizes to meet specific application requirements:

  • Formas: Láminas, placas, barras, tubos y formas personalizadas.
  • Tamaños: Espesor que varía de 0,025 pulgadas a 1,000 pulgadas (0,64 mm a 25,4 mm), diámetro que varía de 0,25 pulgadas a 6,0 pulgadas (6,35 mm a 152,4 mm).

Estándares de producción

STELLITE® Alloy 12 complies with industry standards for quality and performance:

Formulario de productoFormas disponiblesTamaños disponiblesEstándares de producción
BarrasBarras redondas, barras cuadradasDiámetro: 0,25″ – 6,0″ (6,35 mm – 152,4 mm)ASTM A732
Platos/HojasPlatos, HojasEspesor: 0,025″ – 1,000″ (0,64 mm – 25,4 mm)ASTM A732
Welding RodsRodsDiameter: 0.125″ – 0.500″ (3.18mm – 12.7mm)AWS A5.13

Soldadura y procesamiento

STELLITE® Alloy 12 offers good weldability and machinability:

  • Soldadura: Can be welded using conventional methods such as TIG and MIG welding with preheating and post-weld heat treatment to maintain properties.
  • Procesando: Machinable using carbide tooling, although care is needed due to its high cobalt content.

Ventajas y desventajas

VentajasHigh wear resistance, excellent strength at elevated temperatures, good corrosion resistance, and ease of fabrication.
DesventajasHigher cost compared to conventional materials, requires specialized machining and welding techniques due to high cobalt content.

Aleaciones similares

Nombre de la aleaciónComparación
STELLITE® Alloy 6Higher cobalt content, offering superior wear resistance and hardness compared to Alloy 12.

Comparación de aleaciones similares

Propiedad/CaracterísticaSTELLITE® Alloy 12STELLITE® Alloy 6
Contenido de cobalto (%)31.0 – 35.054.0 – 62.0
Contenido de cromo (%)8.0 – 10.027.0 – 32.0
Tungsten Content (%)0.5 máx.8.0 – 10.0
Dureza, Rockwell C (HRC)28 – 3648 – 55
AplicacionesWelding electrodes, pump partsValve components, extrusion dies

This detailed article provides a comprehensive introduction to STELLITE® Alloy 12, highlighting its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance characteristics, industry applications, available forms and sizes, production standards, welding and processing capabilities, as well as advantages, disadvantages, and comparisons with similar alloys. Professionals seeking durable materials for high-wear and corrosion resistance applications will find this information valuable for selecting the appropriate alloy to meet their specific needs.