115- أقراص صلبة


Introduction to Nimonic 115™ Product

Nimonic 115™ is a high-strength nickel-based superalloy known for its exceptional performance at elevated temperatures, excellent oxidation and corrosion resistance, and superior mechanical properties. Developed for demanding applications in aerospace, gas turbine engines, and other high-temperature environments, Nimonic 115™ offers reliability and durability under extreme conditions.

التركيب الكيميائي

عنصرتعبير (٪)
النيكل (ني)54.0-59.0
الكروم (الكروم)15.0-19.0
كوبالت (كو)15.0-19.0
الحديد (الحديد)5.0 كحد أقصى
الموليبدينوم (مو)2.5-4.0
التيتانيوم (تي)1.0-2.0
الألومنيوم (آل)0.5-1.5
الكربون (ج)0.15 max
السيليكون (سي)0.5 كحد أقصى
المنغنيز (من)0.5 كحد أقصى
الكبريت (S)0.015 كحد أقصى
الفوسفور (ف)0.015 كحد أقصى

الخواص الميكانيكية

Tensile Strength (RT)960 MPa (139 ksi) min
Yield Strength (0.2% offset) (RT)720 MPa (105 ksi) min
Elongation (RT)20% min
Creep Rupture StrengthExcellent at high temperatures
Hardness (HV)280-320 HV

الأداء في درجات حرارة مختلفة

Temperature RangePerformance
Room TemperatureHigh strength and corrosion resistance
Elevated Temperatures (up to 800°C / 1470°F)Excellent creep resistance and thermal stability
Cryogenic TemperaturesRetains ductility and toughness

تطبيقات الصناعة

Nimonic 115™ finds extensive use in various critical applications:

الفضاء الجويTurbine blades, combustion chambers
توليد الطاقةGas turbine components, high-temperature fasteners
Oil & GasWellhead components, valve stems
السياراتExhaust valves, turbocharger rotors

الأشكال والأحجام ومعايير الإنتاج

الأشكال والأحجام
استمارةنطاق الحجم
صفائحThickness: 0.5 mm – 6 mm
لوحاتThickness: 1 mm – 100 mm
الحاناتDiameter: 6 mm – 200 mm
الأسلاكالقطر: 0.1 ملم – 10 ملم
المطروقاتأشكال وأحجام مختلفة حسب المعايير
Production Standards and Corresponding Grades
CountryمعيارCorresponding Grade
United StatesAMS 5829N07115
ألمانياDIN 177522.4636
فرنساAFNOR NC 20T-
United KingdomBS HR 403HR403
JapanJIS HR 403-
ChinaGB/T 14994-

Welding, Machining, Polishing, Heat Treatment, and Cold Working

لحامTIG and MIG methods recommended; post-weld heat treatment required
بالقطعCarbide tools and lubricants for optimal results
تلميعMechanical and electrochemical methods for desired finish
المعالجة الحراريةSolution annealing followed by aging
Cold WorkingCold forming and shaping processes are feasible

المميزات والعيوب

مزاياHigh strength and oxidation resistanceLimited availability in certain forms
Excellent creep resistanceMachining can be challenging
Good thermal stability at high temperaturesCostlier compared to some alternatives
Versatile in high-temperature applications

منتجات مماثلة

Material Gradeمقارنة
Nimonic 105™Similar composition with slight variations
Inconel® 718Higher nickel content, different applications


Nimonic 115™ stands as a robust solution for applications requiring exceptional strength, corrosion resistance, and performance at elevated temperatures. Its precise chemical composition, reliable mechanical properties, and adherence to international production standards ensure reliability across critical sectors such as aerospace, power generation, and oil & gas. Engineers and designers seeking high-performance materials for demanding environments can rely on Nimonic 115™ for optimal performance and longevity.

For detailed technical specifications and customized solutions, consulting with material suppliers and referencing specific product data sheets is recommended.