سبيكة HASTELLOY® B-2


HASTELLOY Alloy B-2 (UNS N10665) Product Introduction

HASTELLOY alloy B-2 (UNS N10665) is a nickel-molybdenum alloy known for its excellent resistance to reducing acids such as hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, and phosphoric acid. It offers robust mechanical properties and reliability across a wide range of temperatures, making it suitable for various demanding applications in corrosive environments.

التركيب الكيميائي

عنصرتعبير (٪)
النيكل (ني)65.0 min
الموليبدينوم (مو)26.0 – 30.0
الحديد (الحديد)2.0 max
الكروم (الكروم)1.0 كحد أقصى
كوبالت (كو)1.0 كحد أقصى
المنغنيز (من)1.0 كحد أقصى
السيليكون (سي)0.10 max
الكربون (ج)0.02 max
الفوسفور (ف)0.040 max
الكبريت (S)0.030 max

الخواص الميكانيكية

قوة الشد، ksi (MPa)110 (760) min
قوة الخضوع (إزاحة 0.2%)، ksi (MPa)51 (350) min
استطالة (٪ في 2 بوصة)40 دقيقة
Hardness, Rockwell B (HRB)88 max

الأداء في درجات حرارة مختلفة

HASTELLOY B-2 demonstrates reliable performance across various temperature ranges:

  • درجة حرارة الغرفة: Offers outstanding resistance to reducing acids, ensuring longevity in chemical processing equipment.
  • Elevated Temperatures (up to 1000°F / 538°C): Maintains high strength and corrosion resistance in challenging industrial environments.
  • درجات الحرارة المنخفضة: Retains ductility and toughness even at cryogenic temperatures, suitable for applications requiring resilience in extreme conditions.

تطبيقات الصناعة

HASTELLOY alloy B-2 finds widespread use in several key industries:

قطاع الصناعةالتطبيقات
المعالجة الكيميائيةReactor vessels, heat exchangers, and piping systems handling aggressive acids like sulfuric, hydrochloric, and phosphoric acids.
البتروكيماوياتEquipment for processing acids and chemicals in refineries and chemical plants.
الأدويةPharmaceutical processing equipment requiring corrosion resistance to acids.
لب الورق والورقDigesters, bleach plants, and equipment for corrosive chemical environments in paper production.

الأشكال والأحجام ومعايير الإنتاج

شكل المنتجالأشكال المتاحةالأحجام المتاحةمعايير الإنتاج
صفائحلوحات، صفائحThickness: 0.025″ – 4.000″ (0.64mm – 101.6mm)ASTM B333
الحاناتقضبان مستديرة، قضبان سداسيةDiameter: 0.25″ – 4.0″ (6.35mm – 101.6mm)ASTM B335
أنابيب / أنابيبأنابيب غير ملحومة، أنابيب ملحومةOD: 0.5″ – 8.0″ (12.7mm – 203.2mm)أستم B619، أستم B622

المعايير والدرجات المقابلة

الولايات المتحدة الأمريكيةUNS N10665

اللحام والمعالجة والتلميع والمعالجة الحرارية

لحامExcellent weldability using TIG, MIG methods, suitable for joining components in corrosive environments without compromising integrity.
يعالجMachinable using conventional methods, offers flexibility in fabrication processes to meet specific design requirements.
تلميعCapable of achieving smooth finishes for enhanced corrosion resistance, critical in applications requiring sanitary conditions.
المعالجة الحراريةSolution annealing at 1950°F (1065°C) followed by rapid quenching ensures optimal material properties and performance under stress.

المعالجة الباردة، المزايا والعيوب

المعالجة الباردةRetains ductility and formability at room temperature, facilitating shaping and forming processes in manufacturing.
مزاياExceptional resistance to reducing acids, high mechanical strength, and reliability in aggressive chemical environments.
سلبياتHigher initial cost compared to conventional stainless steels, limited availability in certain shapes and sizes may require custom fabrication solutions.

منتجات مماثلة

اسم المنتجمقارنة
HASTELLOY Alloy C-276 (UNS N10276)Higher molybdenum content, broader corrosion resistance in severe environments, suitable for a wider range of chemicals.
HASTELLOY Alloy B-3 (UNS N10675)Enhanced thermal stability, superior resistance to hydrochloric acid and other strong acids, ideal for applications requiring extended service life in aggressive chemical environments.

مقارنة المنتجات المماثلة

الخاصية/الميزةHASTELLOY Alloy B-2 (UNS N10665)HASTELLOY Alloy C-276 (UNS N10276)HASTELLOY Alloy B-3 (UNS N10675)
محتوى النيكل (٪)65.0 min57.065.0
محتوى الموليبدينوم (٪)26.0 –
محتوى الكروم (٪)1.0 كحد أقصى16.01.5
قوة الشد (كسي)110 min100 دقيقة110 min
قوة الخضوع (كيسي)51 min40 دقيقة40 دقيقة
المقاومة للتآكلExcellent in reducing environments, withstands sulfuric, hydrochloric, and phosphoric acids.Wide range of corrosive environments, excellent resistance to oxidizing and reducing acids.Exceptional resistance to strong acids including hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, and other harsh chemicals.

This article provides a comprehensive overview of HASTELLOY alloy B-2 (UNS N10665), highlighting its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance characteristics at different temperatures, industry applications, available shapes and sizes, production standards, welding and processing capabilities, as well as advantages, disadvantages, and comparisons with similar products. Each section is presented in a structured table format to ensure clarity and accessibility of technical information, catering to engineers, manufacturers, and professionals in the chemical and industrial sectors.