UDIMAR® alaşımı 300


UDIMAR® Alloy 300 (UNS K93120) Product Introduction

UDIMAR® alloy 300, designated as UNS K93120, is a high-strength nickel-based superalloy known for its exceptional mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. This article provides a comprehensive introduction to UDIMAR® alloy 300, covering its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance at different temperatures, industry applications, shapes and sizes, production standards, welding and processing capabilities, advantages and disadvantages, and a comparison with similar alloys.

Kimyasal bileşim

UDIMAR® alloy 300 is primarily composed of nickel with significant additions of cobalt, chromium, molybdenum, and other elements to enhance its mechanical and thermal properties:

ÖğeKompozisyon (%)
Nikel (Ni)50.0 – 60.0
Kobalt (Co)18.0 – 22.0
Krom (Cr)12.0 – 15.0
Molibden (Mo)2.0 – 3.0
Demir (Fe)5.0 – 8.0
Titanyum (Ti)1.0 – 2.0
Alüminyum (Al)0.1 - 0.5
Karbon (C)00,05 maksimum

Mekanik özellikler

UDIMAR® alloy 300 exhibits excellent mechanical properties suitable for high-strength applications:

Çekme Dayanımı, ksi (MPa)170 – 200 (1172 – 1379)
Akma Dayanımı (%0,2 ofset), ksi (MPa)140 – 170 (965 – 1172)
Uzama (2 inç cinsinden)15 – 25
Sertlik, Rockwell C (HRC)35 – 45

Performans Özellikleri

UDIMAR® alloy 300 offers several performance advantages:

  • High-Strength: Provides excellent strength properties suitable for applications requiring high mechanical performance.
  • Korozyon Direnci: Exhibits good resistance to corrosion and oxidation in various environments, including high-temperature applications.
  • Heat Resistance: Maintains mechanical properties at elevated temperatures up to 800°C (1472°F), making it suitable for aerospace and industrial gas turbine applications.

Endüstri Uygulamaları

UDIMAR® alloy 300 is used in various industries where high-strength and corrosion resistance are critical:

Sanayi SektörüUygulamalar
HavacılıkTurbine blades, discs, shafts, and casings for aerospace engines.
Güç üretimiGas turbine components, including rotor blades, combustion chambers, and heat exchangers.
Kimyasal İşlemeReactor vessels, valves, and pipes handling corrosive chemicals at high temperatures.

Şekiller ve boyutlar

UDIMAR® alloy 300 is available in various forms and sizes to meet specific application requirements:

  • Formlar: Levhalar, levhalar, çubuklar, dövme parçalar ve teller.
  • Boyutlar: Plakalar için kalınlıklar 0,5 mm'den 100 mm'ye, yuvarlak çubuklar için çaplar 1 mm'den 300 mm'ye kadar değişmektedir.

Üretim Standartları

UDIMAR® alloy 300 conforms to international production standards ensuring quality and reliability:

Ürün FormuMevcut ŞekillerMevcut BoyutlarÜretim Standartları
Plakalar/LevhalarÇarşaflar, TabaklarKalınlık: 0,5 mm – 100 mmASTM B637, AMS 5764
Çubuklar/ÇubuklarYuvarlak çubuklar, Kare çubuklarÇap: 1 mm – 300 mmASTM B637, AMS 5764
DövmelerBloklar, Diskler, HalkalarBoyut: ÖzelleştirilmişASTM B637, AMS 5764

Kaynak ve İşleme

UDIMAR® alloy 300 offers good weldability and processing characteristics:

  • Kaynak: TIG, MIG, direnç kaynağı gibi yöntemler kullanılarak kaynak yapılabilir. Özellikleri korumak için ön ısıtma ve kaynak sonrası ısıl işlem gerekebilir.
  • İşlenebilirlik: Genellikle karbür takımlar ve uygun kesme sıvıları kullanılarak çözeltide tavlanmış durumda işlenir.

Avantajlar ve dezavantajlar

Bakış açısıDetaylar
AvantajlarıHigh strength, good corrosion and oxidation resistance, reliable performance at high temperatures, and availability in various forms and sizes.
DezavantajlarıStandart nikel alaşımlarına göre daha yüksek maliyet, yüksek mukavemet ve alaşım elementleri nedeniyle özel işlem ve kullanım gerektirir.

Benzer Alaşımlarla Karşılaştırma

UDIMAR® alloy 300 (UNS K93120) is often compared with other high-strength nickel-based superalloys such as UDIMET® alloy 720 and UDIMET® alloy R41. Here’s a brief comparison:

Alaşım Türü/ÖzelliğiUDIMAR® alaşımı 300UDIMET® alaşımı 720UDIMET® alaşımı R41
Kimyasal bileşimHigh nickel, cobalt, chromium, molybdenum for high-strength properties.High nickel, cobalt, chromium, tungsten, molybdenum for high-temperature strength.High nickel, cobalt, chromium, tungsten, molybdenum for high-temperature strength.
Mekanik özelliklerHigher tensile and yield strength, good toughness, and fatigue resistance.Higher tensile and yield strength compared to UDIMAR® alloy 300, excellent oxidation resistance.Higher tensile and yield strength compared to UDIMET® alloy 720, superior creep resistance.
UygulamalarAerospace engine components, gas turbines, and industrial applications requiring high strength and corrosion resistance.Gaz türbinleri, yüksek sıcaklık dayanımı ve oksidasyon direnci gerektiren havacılık bileşenleri.Gaz türbinleri, yüksek sıcaklık dayanımı ve oksidasyon direnci gerektiren havacılık bileşenleri.

This detailed article introduces UDIMAR® alloy 300 (UNS K93120), highlighting its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance characteristics, industry applications, available forms and sizes, production standards, welding and processing capabilities, as well as advantages, disadvantages, and a comparison with similar alloys. Engineers and professionals seeking a robust, high-strength nickel-based superalloy for critical applications in aerospace, power generation, and chemical processing will find UDIMAR® alloy 300 well-suited for use in demanding environments.