INCOLOY® alaşımı 028


INCOLOY Alloy 028 (UNS N08028) Product Introduction

Kimyasal bileşim

ÖğeKompozisyon (%)
Nikel (Ni)30.0 – 34.0
Krom (Cr)26.0 – 30.0
Demir (Fe)26.0 min
Molibden (Mo)2.0 – 3.0
Bakır1.5 - 3.0
Manganez (Mn)Maksimum 2,0
Silikon (Si)00,03 maksimum
Karbon (C)0.02 maks.
Kükürt (S)00,03 maksimum
Fosfor (P)00,03 maksimum

Mekanik özellikler

Çekme Dayanımı, ksi (MPa)100 (690) dk
Akma Dayanımı (%0,2 ofset), ksi (MPa)45 (310) min
Uzama (2 inç cinsinden)40 dakika
Hardness, Brinell (HB)200 max

Farklı Sıcaklıklarda Performans

Sıcaklık aralığıVerim
Oda sıcaklığıExcellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance.
Elevated Temperatures (up to 2000°F / 1093°C)Maintains strength and oxidation resistance.
Low TemperaturesRetains toughness and ductility down to cryogenic temperatures.

Endüstri Uygulamaları

Sanayi SektörüUygulamalar
Kimyasal İşlemeChemical reactors, sulfuric acid production.
PetrokimyaHeat exchangers, piping systems.
Petrol ve GazOffshore platforms, seawater applications.
Güç üretimiBoiler components, turbine exhaust systems.

Şekil, Boyut ve Üretim Standartları

Ürün FormuMevcut ŞekillerMevcut BoyutlarÜretim Standartları
ÇarşaflarPlakalar, ÇarşaflarÇeşitli kalınlıklarASTM B688, ASTM B709
BarlarYuvarlak çubuklar, altıgen çubuklarÇap aralığıASTM B805
Tüpler/BorularDikişsiz borular, kaynaklı borularVarious dimensionsASTM B690, ASTM B775

Standartlar ve İlgili Sınıflar

AmerikaUNS N08028

Kaynak, İşleme, Parlatma, Isıl İşlem

KaynakExcellent weldability using TIG, MIG methods.
İşlemeCold and hot forming processes. Machinable with standard methods.
ParlatmaAchieves smooth finishes suitable for sanitary applications.
Isı tedavisiAnnealing at 2050°F (1121°C) followed by rapid quenching.

Soğuk İşleme, Avantajları ve Dezavantajları

Bakış açısıDetaylar
Soğuk İşlemeExcellent formability and cold workability.
AvantajlarıHigh corrosion resistance in a wide range of aggressive environments. Good mechanical properties at elevated temperatures.
DezavantajlarıHigher initial cost compared to standard stainless steels. Requires expertise in welding to prevent sensitization.

benzer ürünler

Ürün AdıKarşılaştırmak
Inconel 625 (UNS N06625)Lower nickel content, similar applications in corrosive environments.
Hastelloy C-276 (UNS N10276)Higher molybdenum content, superior resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion.

This structured presentation offers a detailed overview of INCOLOY Alloy 028 (UNS N08028), encompassing its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance characteristics at different temperatures, industry applications, available shapes and sizes, production standards, welding and processing capabilities, as well as the advantages, disadvantages, and comparable products. Each section is organized into tables to ensure clarity and accessibility of technical specifications and comparisons.