УДИМЕТ® сплав R41


UDIMET® Alloy R41 (UNS N07041) Product Introduction

UDIMET® alloy R41, designated as UNS N07041, is a high-temperature nickel-based superalloy known for its exceptional strength and corrosion resistance in extreme environments. This article provides a comprehensive introduction to UDIMET® alloy R41, covering its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance at different temperatures, industry applications, shapes and sizes, production standards, welding and processing capabilities, advantages and disadvantages, and a comparison with similar alloys.

Химический состав

UDIMET® alloy R41 is primarily composed of nickel with significant additions of cobalt, chromium, tungsten, and molybdenum to enhance its mechanical and thermal properties:

ЭлементСостав (%)
Никель (Ni)50.0 – 60.0
Кобальт (Со)14.0 – 17.0
Хром (Cr)15.0 – 18.0
Вольфрам (Ж)3,0 – 5,0
Молибден (Мо)2.5 – 4.0
Железо (Fe)3,0 – 5,0
Титан (Ti)1.5 – 2.5
Алюминий (Al)0.1 – 0,5
Бор (Б)0.005 – 0.05
Углерод (С)00,05 макс.

Механические свойства

UDIMET® alloy R41 exhibits excellent mechanical properties suitable for high-temperature applications:

Предел прочности, тыс.фунтов на квадратный дюйм (МПа)150 – 180 (1034 – 1241)
Предел текучести (смещение 0,2%), тыс.фунтов на квадратный дюйм (МПа)110 – 140 (758 – 965)
Удлинение (% на 2 дюйма)20 – 25
Твердость, Роквелл C (HRC)35 – 40

Характеристики производительности

UDIMET® alloy R41 offers several performance advantages:

  • Высокотемпературная прочность: Maintains excellent mechanical properties at temperatures up to 1000°C (1832°F), suitable for use in gas turbines and other high-temperature applications.
  • Устойчивость к окислению: Provides superior resistance to oxidation and corrosion in high-temperature and aggressive environments.
  • Creep Resistance: Exhibits high creep resistance, making it ideal for components under constant stress at elevated temperatures.

Промышленные приложения

UDIMET® alloy R41 is utilized in various demanding industries where high performance under extreme conditions is required:

Промышленный секторПриложения
Аэрокосмическая промышленностьGas turbine components including blades, discs, and seals.
Выработка энергииTurbine blades, combustion chambers, and heat exchangers.
Химическая обработкаReactor vessels, pipelines, and valves for handling corrosive chemicals at high temperatures.

Формы и размеры

UDIMET® alloy R41 is available in various forms and sizes to meet specific application needs:

  • Формы: Листы, пластины, прутки, поковки и проволока.
  • Размеры: Толщина листов от 0,5 мм до 100 мм и диаметр круглых прутков от 1 мм до 300 мм.

Производственные стандарты

UDIMET® alloy R41 conforms to international production standards ensuring quality and reliability:

Форма продуктаДоступные формыДоступные размерыПроизводственные стандарты
Плиты/листыЛисты, плитыТолщина: 0,5 мм – 100 ммASTM B637, AMS 5764
Бары/стержниКруглые стержни, Квадратные стержниДиаметр: 1 мм – 300 ммASTM B637, AMS 5764
ПоковкиБлоки, Диски, КольцаРазмер: ИндивидуальныйASTM B637, AMS 5764

Сварка и обработка

UDIMET® alloy R41 offers good weldability and processing characteristics:

  • Сварка: Можно сваривать такими методами, как TIG, MIG и контактная сварка. Для сохранения свойств могут потребоваться предварительный нагрев и термообработка после сварки.
  • Обрабатываемость: Обычно обрабатывается в отожженном состоянии с использованием твердосплавных инструментов и соответствующих смазочно-охлаждающих жидкостей.

Преимущества и недостатки

ПреимуществаExceptional high-temperature strength and oxidation resistance, good creep resistance, and wide availability in various forms and sizes.
НедостаткиHigher cost compared to standard nickel alloys, requires specialized processing and handling due to its high strength and alloying elements.

Сравнение с аналогичными сплавами

UDIMET® alloy R41 (UNS N07041) is often compared with other high-temperature nickel-based superalloys such as UDIMET® alloy 718 and UDIMET® alloy 720. Here’s a brief comparison:

Тип/свойство сплаваУДИМЕТ® сплав R41UDIMET® alloy 718УДИМЕТ® сплав 720
Химический составHigh nickel, cobalt, chromium, tungsten, molybdenum for high-temperature strength.High nickel, chromium, and niobium with smaller additions of aluminum and titanium.High nickel, cobalt, chromium, tungsten, molybdenum for high-temperature strength.
Механические свойстваHigher tensile and yield strength, superior creep resistance at high temperatures.Lower tensile and yield strength compared to UDIMET® alloy R41, good toughness and fatigue resistance.Higher tensile and yield strength compared to UDIMET® alloy 718, excellent oxidation resistance.
ПриложенияGas turbines, aerospace components requiring high-temperature strength and oxidation resistance.Aerospace components, high-temperature bolts, and fasteners.Gas turbines, aerospace components requiring high-temperature strength and oxidation resistance.

This detailed article introduces UDIMET® alloy R41 (UNS N07041), highlighting its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance characteristics, industry applications, available forms and sizes, production standards, welding and processing capabilities, as well as advantages, disadvantages, and a comparison with similar alloys. Engineers and professionals seeking a high-strength, high-temperature superalloy for critical applications in aerospace, power generation, and chemical processing will find UDIMET® alloy R41 well-suited for use under extreme conditions.