LION® Никелевый сплав 205


Nickel Alloy 205 (UNS N02205): Product Introduction

Nickel Alloy 205, designated as UNS N02205, is a commercially pure nickel alloy known for its excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance in various environments. This article provides a comprehensive introduction to Nickel Alloy 205, covering its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance at different temperatures, industry applications, shapes and sizes, production standards, welding and processing capabilities, advantages and disadvantages, and a comparison with similar alloys.

Химический состав

Nickel Alloy 205 is a pure nickel alloy with high nickel content and minimal impurities:

ЭлементСостав (%)
Никель (Ni)99,0 мин.
Железо (Fe)00,40 макс.
Марганец (Mn)00,35 макс.
Кремний (Si)00,35 макс.
Медь00,25 макс.
Углерод (С)00,15 макс.
Сера (S)00,01 макс.

Механические свойства

Nickel Alloy 205 exhibits excellent mechanical properties suitable for various applications:

Предел прочности, тыс.фунтов на квадратный дюйм (МПа)65 – 85 (450 – 585)
Предел текучести (смещение 0,2%), тыс.фунтов на квадратный дюйм (МПа)15 – 35 (105 – 240)
Удлинение (% на 2 дюйма)40 мин.
Твердость, Роквелл B (HRB)70 max

Характеристики производительности

Nickel Alloy 205 offers several performance advantages:

  • Устойчивость к коррозии: Excellent resistance to corrosion in both reducing and oxidizing environments, including acids, alkalis, and neutral salts.
  • Температурная устойчивость: Maintains mechanical properties at high temperatures, suitable for elevated temperature applications.
  • Электрическая и теплопроводность: High electrical and thermal conductivity, making it suitable for electrical components and heat exchangers.

Промышленные приложения

Nickel Alloy 205 finds widespread use in various industries due to its unique properties:

Промышленный секторПриложения
Химическая обработкаEquipment and components for handling acids, alkalis, and chemicals in processing plants.
ЭлектроникаElectrical connectors, switches, and components requiring high electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance.
морскойMarine applications requiring resistance to seawater and brine solutions.

Формы и размеры

Nickel Alloy 205 is available in various forms and sizes to meet diverse application needs:

  • Формы: Листы, пластины, прутки, трубы, трубы и проволока.
  • Размеры: Толщина листов от 0,1 мм до 50 мм и диаметр круглых прутков от 1 мм до 300 мм.

Производственные стандарты

Nickel Alloy 205 conforms to international production standards ensuring quality and reliability:

Форма продуктаДоступные формыДоступные размерыПроизводственные стандарты
Плиты/листыЛисты, плитыТолщина: 0,1 мм – 50 ммАСТМ Б162, ДИН 17750
Бары/стержниКруглые стержни, Квадратные стержниДиаметр: 1 мм – 300 ммАСТМ Б160, ДИН 17752
Трубы/ТрубыБесшовные, СварныеНД: 1 мм – 300 ммАСТМ Б161, АСТМ Б163

Сварка и обработка

Nickel Alloy 205 offers good weldability and processing characteristics:

  • Сварка: Can be welded using various methods including TIG, MIG, and resistance welding. It is important to use appropriate filler metals to maintain corrosion resistance.
  • Обрабатываемость: Обладает хорошей обрабатываемостью в отожженном состоянии. Для операций механической обработки рекомендуется использовать твердосплавный инструмент.

Преимущества и недостатки

ПреимуществаHigh corrosion resistance in a wide range of environments, excellent mechanical properties over a wide temperature range, good electrical and thermal conductivity.
НедостаткиHigher cost compared to some other nickel alloys, limited availability in some forms and sizes.

Сравнение с аналогичными сплавами

Nickel Alloy 205 (UNS N02205) is often compared with other commercially pure nickel alloys such as Nickel 200 (UNS N02200) and Nickel 201 (UNS N02201). Here’s a brief comparison:

Тип/свойство сплаваNickel Alloy 205 (UNS N02205)Сплав никеля 200 (UNS N02200)Сплав никеля 201 (UNS N02201)
Химический составHigh nickel content with low impurities, suitable for various corrosive environments.Высокое содержание никеля с низким содержанием углерода, подходит для восстановительных сред.High nickel content with low carbon, improved ductility compared to Nickel 200.
Устойчивость к коррозииExcellent resistance to acids, alkalis, and neutral salts. Susceptible to oxidation in high-temperature oxidizing environments.Excellent resistance to acids, alkalis, and neutral salts, with susceptibility to oxidation in certain conditions.Good resistance to many corrosive environments, improved ductility compared to Nickel 200.
ПриложенияChemical processing, electronics, marine applications requiring corrosion resistance and high electrical conductivity.Chemical processing, electronics, food handling.Electrical components, chemical processing requiring high purity and corrosion resistance.

This detailed article introduces Nickel Alloy 205 (UNS N02205), highlighting its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance characteristics, industry applications, available forms and sizes, production standards, welding and processing capabilities, as well as advantages, disadvantages, and a comparison with similar alloys. Engineers and professionals seeking a robust, corrosion-resistant material with excellent mechanical properties for demanding environments will find Nickel Alloy 205 suitable for a wide range of applications.