ИНКОНЕЛЬ® сплав 725


INCONEL® Alloy 725: Comprehensive Product Introduction

INCONEL® alloy 725 is a nickel-chromium-molybdenum-niobium alloy renowned for its exceptional corrosion resistance and high strength, particularly in sour gas environments containing hydrogen sulfide and chlorides. Developed for applications requiring excellent resistance to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and pitting, INCONEL® 725 finds extensive use in oil and gas production, chemical processing, and marine environments. This article provides a detailed introduction to INCONEL® alloy 725, covering its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance at different temperatures, corresponding grades, industry applications, available forms, sizes, production standards, and essential information on welding, machining, polishing, heat treatment, and cold processing across major global markets.

Chemical Composition of INCONEL® Alloy 725

INCONEL® alloy 725 is composed of specific elements to achieve its superior properties:

ЭлементСостав (%)
Никель (Ni)58,0 мин.
Хром (Cr)19.0-22.5
Молибден (Мо)7.0-9.5
Ниобий (Nb)2.75-4.0
Титан (Ti)1,0-1,7
Алюминий (Al)00,35 макс.
Железо (Fe)5,0 макс.
Tantalum (Ta)00,35 макс.
Марганец (Mn)00,50 макс.
Кремний (Si)00,35 макс.
Углерод (С)00,03 макс.
Сера (S)00,010 макс.
Фосфор (Р)00,015 макс.

Mechanical Properties of INCONEL® Alloy 725

INCONEL® alloy 725 exhibits robust mechanical properties suitable for demanding applications:

Предел прочности1034 MPa (150 ksi) min
Предел текучести (смещение 0,2%)758 MPa (110 ksi) min
Удлинение15% min
твердость (Rockwell C)34-42
Плотность8.31 g/cm³

Производительность при различных температурах

INCONEL® alloy 725 maintains its mechanical properties across a range of temperatures:

Диапазон температурПроизводительность
Комнатная температураВысокая прочность и устойчивость к коррозии
Повышенные температуры (до 650°C/1200°F)Сохраняет прочность и стойкость к окислению.
Криогенные температурыСохраняет прочность и пластичность

Соответствующие оценки в разных странах

INCONEL® alloy 725 is identified by various grades in different countries and regions:


Стандартные формы, размеры и стандарты производства

Формы и размеры

INCONEL® alloy 725 is available in various forms and sizes to meet industrial requirements:

ФормаДиапазон размеров
ЛистыThickness: 0.5 mm – 50 mm
ТарелкиТолщина: 1 мм – 100 мм
БарыDiameter: 6 mm – 300 mm
ПроволокаДиаметр: 0,1 мм – 10 мм
ТрубыOuter Diameter: 3 mm – 200 mm
ТрубыOuter Diameter: 6 mm – 300 mm
ПоковкиРазличные формы и размеры в соответствии со стандартами.

Производственные стандарты

INCONEL® alloy 725 conforms to international production standards:

ASTM B805Bars and wire
AMS 5832Слитки и поковки
NACE MR0175/ISO 15156Sour gas service
API 6A718Oil and gas applications

Welding, Machining, Polishing, Heat Treatment, and Cold Processing

INCONEL® alloy 725 exhibits good weldability, machinability, and formability, making it suitable for various fabrication processes in the following ways:

  • Сварка: GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding) and GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding) are commonly used methods, with precautions for preheating and post-weld heat treatment.
  • Обработка: Carbide tools and coolant are recommended for achieving precise dimensions and surface finishes.
  • Полировка: Mechanical and chemical methods are employed to enhance surface smoothness and corrosion resistance.
  • Термическая обработка: Solution annealing followed by age hardening enhances mechanical properties and resistance to environmental factors.
  • Холодная обработка: Forming and bending processes maintain material integrity and strength, suitable for various component geometries.

Industry Applications of INCONEL® Alloy 725

INCONEL® alloy 725 is indispensable in critical applications across various industries:

  • Нефти и газа: Downhole components, wellhead equipment, and tubing systems for sour gas environments.
  • Химическая обработка: Valve components, reactor vessels, and piping systems exposed to corrosive fluids.
  • морской: Propeller shafts, seawater cooling systems, and underwater equipment requiring high corrosion resistance.
  • Аэрокосмическая промышленность: Turbine blades, combustion chambers, and structural components in jet engines.


INCONEL® alloy 725 stands out as a versatile and durable material offering superior corrosion resistance, high strength, and reliability in demanding industrial environments. Its well-defined chemical composition, robust mechanical properties, adherence to international standards, and suitability for various fabrication processes make it a preferred choice for critical applications worldwide. Engineers and designers seeking longevity and performance in challenging environments can confidently select INCONEL® alloy 725 for their projects.

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This comprehensive introduction and detailed data sheet provide a thorough overview of INCONEL® alloy 725, emphasizing its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance characteristics at different temperatures, applications, and advantages in demanding industrial environments across various countries.