Сплав Inconel 625 и сплав Incoloy 825: всестороннее сравнение

Shanghai Lion Metal Co., Ltd. Подразделение никелевых сплавов

Inconel Alloy 625 and Incoloy Alloy 825 are both nickel-based alloys that offer excellent resistance to corrosion and high temperatures. Each alloy has unique properties that make it suitable for specific applications, particularly in harsh environments such as chemical processing, oil and gas extraction, and aerospace. This comparison will highlight the key differences and similarities between these two alloys across several important parameters.

Химический состав

The chemical composition is fundamental to the properties of the alloys and influences their performance in various environments.

Таблица 1: Химический состав

ЭлементInconel Alloy 625Incoloy Alloy 825
Никель (Ni)58-63%38-46%
Хром (Cr)20-23%19.5-23.5%
Железо (Fe)БалансБаланс
Молибден (Мо)8-10%3.0-4.5%
Ниобий (Nb)3.0-4.0%1.0-2.0%
Титан (Ti)0.4-0.7%0.6% max
Углерод (С)≤0,10%≤0,05%

Механические свойства

Understanding the mechanical properties of each alloy is crucial for evaluating their performance under stress and at elevated temperatures.

Таблица 2: Механические свойства

СвойствоInconel Alloy 625Incoloy Alloy 825
Предел текучести (МПа)280 – 345240 – 600
Предельная прочность на разрыв (МПа)700 – 1,200485 – 690
Удлинение (%)30 минут)30 минут)
Твердость (по Роквеллу Б)40-5095-103 (Brinell)

Высокотемпературная производительность

Both alloys are designed to perform under high-temperature conditions, although their limits may differ.

Таблица 3: Характеристики при высоких температурах

ОсобенностьInconel Alloy 625Incoloy Alloy 825
Рабочая температураUp to 1,800°F (982°C)Up to 1,650°F (900°C)
Устойчивость к окислениюОтличныйХороший
Сопротивление ползучестиОчень хорошийХороший

Устойчивость к коррозии

Both alloys are highly resistant to corrosion, but their performance can vary depending on the corrosive environment.

Таблица 4: Коррозионная стойкость

Тип коррозииInconel Alloy 625Incoloy Alloy 825
Общая коррозияОтличныйОтличный
Точечная коррозияОтличныйОчень хороший
Коррозионное растрескивание под напряжениемОтличныйХороший
КислотостойкостьExcellent in moderately acidic conditionsОчень хорош в кислой среде


Weldability is a critical factor in the selection of alloys for various applications, particularly in fabrication and repair.

Таблица 5: Сравнение свариваемости

ОсобенностьInconel Alloy 625Incoloy Alloy 825
Общая свариваемостьGood; often requires preheatGood; does not typically require preheating
Послесварочная термообработкаОбычно не требуетсяОбычно не требуется
Материал наполнителяERNiCrMo-3ERNiCrMo-3


Understanding the applications helps determine which alloy is most suitable for specific environments and uses.

Таблица 6: Типичные области применения

Область примененияInconel Alloy 625Incoloy Alloy 825
Химическая обработкаEquipment and piping in harsh environmentsChemical process equipment
Аэрокосмическая промышленностьComponents subjected to high temperaturesLess common in aerospace applications
Нефтяная и газовая промышленностьDownhole tubing, valvesOil and gas extraction components
Marine ApplicationsMarine components, offshore applicationsLess commonly used in marine environments
Heat ExchangersUsed in heat exchangers where high corrosion resistance is requiredCommon in heat exchangers and reactors

Краткое описание различий

ОсобенностьInconel Alloy 625Incoloy Alloy 825
Содержание никеля58-63%38-46%
Хромовый контент20-23%19.5-23.5%
Molybdenum Content8-10%3.0-4.5%
Температурная устойчивостьUp to 1,800°F (982°C)Up to 1,650°F (900°C)
ПриложенияPreferred for aerospace and chemical processingVersatile for chemical applications


Inconel Alloy 625 and Incoloy Alloy 825 offer outstanding resistance to corrosion and high temperatures, making them suitable for demanding applications across various industries.

  • Inconel Alloy 625 is particularly favored in high-temperature environments like aerospace and chemical processing due to its superior oxidation resistance and strength at elevated temperatures.
  • Incoloy Alloy 825 is a versatile option widely used in the chemical processing and oil and gas industry, where it performs well in moderately corrosive environments and offers good mechanical properties.

The choice between these alloys should be based on the specific requirements of the application, including environmental conditions, mechanical stress, and thermal exposure. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!