INCONEL® Alloy 617: Detailed Product Introduction
Introduction to INCONEL® Alloy 617
INCONEL® alloy 617 is a nickel-chromium-cobalt-molybdenum alloy renowned for its exceptional high-temperature strength and oxidation resistance. Developed to withstand extreme environments, this superalloy finds applications across various industries requiring reliability and performance under harsh conditions. This article provides a detailed overview of INCONEL® alloy 617, covering its chemical composition, mechanical properties, corresponding grades, industry applications, available forms, sizes, and production standards.
Chemical Composition of INCONEL® Alloy 617
INCONEL® alloy 617 is meticulously engineered with a specific chemical composition to optimize its performance under high-temperature and corrosive conditions:
Element | Skład (%) |
Nikiel (Ni) | 44.5-56.0 |
Chrom (Cr) | 20.0-24.0 |
Cobalt (Co) | 10.0-15.0 |
Molibden (Mo) | 8,0-10,0 |
Żelazo (Fe) | 3,0 Max |
Aluminium (Al) | 0.4-1.0 |
Tytan (Ti) | 0.6-1.4 |
Mangan (Mn) | 00,5 maks |
Krzem (Si) | 00,5 maks |
Węgiel (C) | 0.05-0.15 |
Fosfor (P) | 00,015 maks |
Siarka (S) | 00,015 maks |
Mechanical Properties of INCONEL® Alloy 617
INCONEL® alloy 617 exhibits excellent mechanical strength and durability across a wide range of temperatures:
Nieruchomość | Wartość |
Wytrzymałość na rozciąganie | 760 MPa (110 ksi) min |
Granica plastyczności (przesunięcie 0,2%) | 350 MPa (51 ksi) min |
Wydłużenie | 30% min |
Twardość (Brinell) | 241 max (annealed condition) |
Gęstość | 8.42 g/cm³ |
Odpowiednie stopnie w różnych krajach
INCONEL® alloy 617 is known by different grades in various countries and regions:
Kraj/region | Stopień |
USA | UNS N06617 |
Niemcy | 2.4663 |
Francja | NC22KDA |
Standardowe formy, rozmiary i standardy produkcyjne
Formy i rozmiary
INCONEL® alloy 617 is available in various forms and sizes to meet diverse industrial needs:
Formularz | Zakres rozmiarów |
Pościel | Grubość: 0,5 mm – 50 mm |
Talerze | Grubość: 0,5 mm – 50 mm |
Słupy | Średnica: 5 mm – 300 mm |
Drut | Średnica: 0,1 mm – 10 mm |
Rury | Średnica zewnętrzna: 6 mm – 200 mm |
Kobza | Średnica zewnętrzna: 10 mm – 300 mm |
Armatura | Różne konfiguracje zgodnie ze standardami |
Odkuwki | Różne kształty i rozmiary zgodnie ze standardami |
Standardy produkcyjne
INCONEL® alloy 617 adheres to several international production standards:
Standard | Opis |
ASTM B166 | Pręty, pręty i druty |
ASTM B168 | Arkusze, płyty i paski |
ASTM B167 | Bezszwowe rury i rurki |
ASTM B517 | Welded tube |
ASTM B516 | Welded pipe |
ASTM B564 | Odkuwki |
ASTM B366 | Armatura |
Industry Applications of INCONEL® Alloy 617
INCONEL® alloy 617 is widely utilized in critical applications across various industries due to its superior properties:
- Lotnictwo: Gas turbine components, combustion liners, and transition ducts.
- Wytwarzanie energii: High-temperature components in gas turbines, heat exchangers, and reformer tubes.
- Petrochemiczny: Catalyst tubes, radiant coils, and furnace fixtures in ethylene production.
- Przetwarzanie chemiczne: Equipment for handling corrosive chemicals, such as nitric acid and sulfuric acid.
- Nuclear: Reactor cores, fuel element cladding, and heat exchanger tubing in nuclear power plants.
Advantages of INCONEL® Alloy 617
- High Temperature Resistance: Maintains excellent mechanical properties and oxidation resistance at temperatures up to 1200°C (2200°F).
- Odporność na korozję: Resistant to oxidation, carburization, and chloride-ion stress corrosion cracking in harsh environments.
- Mechanical Strength: Exhibits high tensile and yield strength, ensuring reliability under extreme conditions.
- Możliwość wykonania: Easily fabricated into complex components using standard machining and welding techniques.
INCONEL® alloy 617 stands as a testament to advanced materials engineering, offering exceptional strength, corrosion resistance, and versatility across industries. Its robust chemical composition, coupled with superior mechanical properties and availability in various forms and sizes, makes it indispensable for critical applications requiring reliability and performance under extreme conditions.
By understanding its chemical composition, mechanical properties, applications, and adherence to production standards, engineers and designers can leverage the unique capabilities of INCONEL® alloy 617 to enhance operational efficiency and ensure long-term durability.
W celu uzyskania szczegółowych specyfikacji technicznych i dalszych zapytań zaleca się odwoływanie się do kart katalogowych konkretnych produktów i konsultację z producentami.
This detailed introduction and comprehensive data sheet provide a thorough overview of INCONEL® alloy 617, highlighting its chemical composition, mechanical properties, applications, and advantages in demanding industrial environments.