Qual è la differenza tra Hastelloy c22 e c276?

Shanghai Lion Metal Co., Ltd. Divisione leghe a base di nichel

Hastelloy C22 vs C276: Detailed Comparison

Hastelloy C22 and C276 are two prominent members of the Hastelloy family of alloys, recognized for their exceptional corrosion resistance properties in a wide range of aggressive environments. While both alloys exhibit high-performance characteristics, they differ in composition, corrosion resistance, mechanical properties, temperature capabilities, weldability, applications, and cost. This article provides a comprehensive comparison between Hastelloy C22 and C276 to help understand their distinctions and determine their suitability for various industrial applications.

Composizione chimica

The chemical compositions of Hastelloy C22 and C276 are as follows:

ElementoHastelloy C22 Composition (%)Hastelloy C276 Composition (%)
Nichel (Ni)5657
Cromo (Cr)2216
Molibdeno (Mo)1316
Tungsteno (W)34.5
Ferro (Fe)35
Cobalto (Co)2.5
Vanadio (V)0.35
Manganese (Mn)0.5
Silicon (Si)0.08
Carbonio (C)0.0150.01
Fosforo (P)0.02
Zolfo (S)0.020.015

Confronto delle prestazioni

Resistenza alla corrosione

Hastelloy C22 and C276 are renowned for their exceptional corrosion resistance in various environments:

Tipo di corrosioneHastelloy C22Hastelloy C276
Oxidizing EnvironmentsExcellent resistance to oxidizing acids like nitric acidExcellent resistance to oxidizing acids such as ferric and cupric chlorides
and mixed acids containing nitric acid and chlorides.
Reducing EnvironmentsHighly resistant to reducing media, offering superiorStrong resistance to reducing acids like sulfuric acid and
performance against sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid,hydrochloric acid
phosphoric acid, and organic acids.
Chloride EnvironmentsExceptional resistance to chloride-induced pitting andSuperior resistance to chloride-induced stress corrosion
crevice corrosion.cracking (SCC) and pitting

Proprietà meccaniche

Mechanical PropertyHastelloy C22Hastelloy C276
Resistenza alla trazioneHigh with good ductility and toughness.Strong mechanical properties with good fabricability.
Resistenza al creepExcellent at elevated temperatures, maintaining strength andMaintains structural integrity under prolonged exposure to
integrity.high temperatures.
Resistenza all'impattoGood resistance to thermal fatigue and mechanical stress.Excellent resistance to corrosion-induced cracking and

Temperature Capability

Both alloys exhibit robust performance at high temperatures:

Operating TemperatureHastelloy C22Hastelloy C276
Up to about 1250°F (677°C).Suitable for temperatures up to 1250°F (677°C).


SaldabilitàHastelloy C22Hastelloy C276
Excellent weldability using standard techniques, minimal riskGood weldability using conventional methods, requiring
of weld decay.proper post-weld heat treatment to maintain corrosion


Hastelloy C22 and C276 find applications in various industries due to their corrosion resistance and mechanical properties:

ApplicazioniHastelloy C22Hastelloy C276
Elaborazione chimicaUsed in reactors, distillation columns, heat exchangersWidely used in chemical processing environments,
including reactors and piping systems.
Pulp e cartaDigesters, bleach plants, evaporatorsBleach plants, digesters, and other pulp and paper
production equipment.
FarmaceuticoPharmaceutical reactors and equipment
Olio e gasEquipment for sour gas wells, offshore platformsDownhole and surface equipment in oil and gas production
Waste TreatmentPollution control systems, scrubbersWaste treatment plants and pollution control systems.
AerospazialeUsed in aerospace applications where corrosion resistance
and high strength are critical.

Cost Considerations

  • Hastelloy C22: Generally more expensive due to its enhanced resistance to a wider range of corrosive environments and superior weldability.
  • Hastelloy C276: Cost-effective option for applications requiring excellent corrosion resistance in challenging environments, making it a preferred choice in many industries.


In conclusion, Hastelloy C22 and C276 are both highly versatile alloys renowned for their corrosion resistance properties and mechanical strength in harsh environments. Hastelloy C22 offers superior resistance to a wide range of acids and chlorides, making it suitable for applications where extensive chemical resistance is required. Hastelloy C276 excels in environments rich in chlorides and oxidizing acids, providing robust protection against stress corrosion cracking and pitting. The choice between these alloys depends on specific application requirements, including the corrosive environment, operating temperatures, mechanical stress, and budget constraints. Understanding these differences enables industries to select the optimal alloy for ensuring durability, reliability, and performance in critical applications.