NIMONIC® Alloy 80A: Product Introduction

NIMONIC® alloy 80A is a nickel-chromium alloy renowned for its exceptional strength, high-temperature stability, and oxidation resistance. This precipitation-hardenable alloy is extensively utilized in critical applications across various industries where reliability and performance under extreme conditions are paramount.

Composizione chimica

ElementoComposizione (%)
Nichel (Ni)65,0 min
Cromo (Cr)18.0-21.0
Ferro (Fe)3,0 massimo
Alluminio (Al)1.8-2.7
Titanio (Ti)1.0-1.8
Carbonio (C)00,05 massimo
Manganese (Mn)1,0 massimo
Silicon (Si)1,0 massimo
Zolfo (S)00,015 massimo
Boro (b)0.01-0.02

Proprietà meccaniche

Tensile Strength (RT)910 MPa (132 ksi) min
Yield Strength (0.2% offset) (RT)550 MPa (80 ksi) min
Elongation (RT)20% min
Creep Rupture StrengthExcellent at high temperatures
Durezza (HV)250-310 HV

Prestazioni a diverse temperature

Intervallo di temperaturaPrestazione
Temperatura ambienteHigh strength and oxidation resistance
Elevated Temperatures (up to 815°C / 1500°F)Excellent creep resistance and thermal stability
Temperature criogenicheMantiene tenacità e duttilità

Applicazioni industriali

NIMONIC® alloy 80A finds widespread applications across diverse industries:

AerospazialeGas turbine components, turbine blades, fasteners
Produzione di energiaCombustion chambers, high-temperature bolts
Oil & GasDownhole tools, valve stems
AutomobilisticoExhaust valves, turbocharger components

Forme, dimensioni e standard di produzione

Forme e dimensioni
ModuloGamma di dimensioni
FogliThickness: 0.5 mm – 6 mm
PiattiSpessore: 1 mm – 100 mm
BarreDiametro: 6 mm – 200 mm
FiloDiametro: 0,1 mm – 10 mm
ForgiatiVarie forme e dimensioni a norma
Standard di produzione e gradi corrispondenti
PaeseStandardGrado corrispondente
Stati UnitiAMS 5766, AMS 5767, AMS 5801N07080
GermaniaDIN 177422.4952
FranciaAFNOR NC 20TA
Regno UnitoBS HR 202HR202
GiapponeJIS HR 202
CinaGB/T 14992

Welding, Processing, Polishing, Heat Treatment, and Cold Working

SaldaturaTIG and MIG methods recommended; post-weld heat treatment required
LavorazioneCarbide tools and lubricants for optimal results
LucidaturaMechanical and electrochemical methods for desired finish
Trattamento termicoSolution annealing followed by aging
Lavoro a freddoExcellent for cold forming and shaping processes

Vantaggi e svantaggi

VantaggiHigh strength at elevated temperaturesDisponibilità limitata in alcune forme
Excellent creep resistancePiù costoso rispetto ad alcune alternative
Good oxidation and corrosion resistanceLa lavorazione può essere impegnativa
Versatile in various industrial applications


NIMONIC® alloy 80A stands as a robust solution for applications demanding superior strength, thermal stability, and resistance to environmental degradation. Its precise chemical composition, coupled with reliable mechanical properties and adherence to international standards, ensures optimal performance across aerospace, power generation, oil & gas, and automotive sectors globally. Designers and engineers seeking a dependable material for extreme conditions can confidently rely on NIMONIC® alloy 80A.

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