Lega MONEL® K-500


MONEL® Alloy K-500 Product Introduction

MONEL® alloy K-500 is a precipitation-hardenable nickel-copper alloy known for its excellent corrosion resistance, high strength, and toughness. This comprehensive product introduction covers its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance at different temperatures, industry applications, shapes, sizes, production standards, standards and corresponding grades in different countries, welding, machining, polishing, heat treatment, cold working, advantages and disadvantages of materials, and similar products.

Composizione chimica

ElementoComposizione (%)
Nichel (Ni)63.0-70.0
Alluminio (Al)2.30-3.15
Titanio (Ti)0.35-0.85
Ferro (Fe)2,0 massimo
Manganese (Mn)1.5 max
Silicon (Si)00,5 massimo
Carbonio (C)00,25 massimo
Zolfo (S)00,010 massimo

MONEL® alloy K-500 maintains a high level of nickel and copper with significant additions of aluminum and titanium, which contribute to its exceptional strength and corrosion resistance.

Proprietà meccaniche

CondizioneResistenza alla trazione (MPa)Carico di snervamento (MPa)Allungamento (%)Durezza (HRB)
Ricotto690-850275-55020 minuti75 massimo
Aged (precipitation hardened)1100-1300760-100010-2027-38 HRC

MONEL® alloy K-500 exhibits high tensile and yield strength, making it suitable for applications requiring robust mechanical properties.

Prestazioni a diverse temperature

Intervallo di temperaturaPrestazione
Temperatura ambienteEccellente resistenza alla corrosione, buone proprietà meccaniche
Elevated Temperatures (up to 400°C / 750°F)Mantiene forza e tenacità
Temperature criogenicheMantiene duttilità e tenacità

MONEL® alloy K-500 demonstrates consistent performance across a broad temperature spectrum, from cryogenic conditions to elevated temperatures.

Applicazioni industriali

MONEL® alloy K-500 finds applications in various industries requiring corrosion resistance and high strength:

MarinoPropeller and pump shafts, seawater valves
Oil & GasSprings, fasteners, downhole equipment
Elaborazione chimicaPumps, valves, heat exchangers
AerospazialeAircraft landing gear, helicopter rotor blades

Its resilience in harsh environments makes it a preferred material in marine, oil and gas, chemical processing, and aerospace industries.

Forme, dimensioni e standard di produzione

Forme e dimensioni
ModuloGamma di dimensioni
FogliSpessore: 0,5 mm – 3 mm
PiattiSpessore: 1 mm – 50 mm
BarreDiametro: 6 mm – 100 mm
TubiDiametro esterno: 6 mm – 500 mm
TubiDiametro esterno: 6 mm – 300 mm
Standard di produzione e gradi corrispondenti
PaeseStandardGrado corrispondente
Stati UnitiASTM B865UNS N05500
GermaniaDIN 17752, DIN 177532.4375
FranciaAFNOR NFM 87-310
Regno UnitoBS 3076
GiapponeJIS NW 5500
CinaGB/T 12769

MONEL® alloy K-500 adheres to various international production standards, ensuring consistency and quality across different manufacturing processes.

Saldatura, lavorazione meccanica, lucidatura, trattamento termico e lavorazione a freddo

SaldaturaWelds with matching composition filler metals. Suitable methods include gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) and gas metal arc welding (GMAW).
LavorazioneRequires sharp tools and proper cooling. Carbide tools are recommended for turning and milling operations.
LucidaturaRaggiunge una buona finitura superficiale con metodi meccanici come mole lucidanti e lucidanti. Anche la lucidatura chimica è efficace.
Trattamento termicoAnnealing at 870°C (1600°F) followed by water quenching improves ductility and removes residual stresses.
Lavoro a freddoCan be cold worked to various degrees for shaping. Cold working increases strength and hardness.

MONEL® alloy K-500 offers versatility in processing methods, facilitating its integration into complex engineering applications.

Vantaggi e svantaggi

VantaggiEccellente resistenza alla corrosioneLa lavorazione può essere impegnativa
Elevata resistenza e tenacitàDisponibilità limitata in alcune forme
Buona duttilità e tenacitàCosto relativamente elevato rispetto ad alcune alternative
Adatto per applicazioni di lavorazione marina e chimica

Prodotti simili

Grado materialeConfronto
MONEL® lega 400Lower strength and hardness, higher corrosion resistance in certain environments.


MONEL® alloy K-500 stands out as a robust nickel-copper alloy renowned for its exceptional strength, corrosion resistance, and versatility across diverse industries. Its superior mechanical properties and resilience in corrosive environments make it an ideal choice for critical applications in marine, oil and gas, chemical processing, and aerospace sectors. Engineers and designers seeking a reliable material capable of withstanding demanding conditions can confidently rely on MONEL® alloy K-500 for optimal performance and longevity.

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