Inconel X-750 vs Inconel 625 vs Inconel 718: un confronto completo

Shanghai Lion Metal Co., Ltd. Divisione leghe a base di nichel

Inconel X-750, Inconel 625, and Inconel 718 are all nickel-chromium-based superalloys recognized for their remarkable strength, corrosion resistance, and ability to withstand extreme environments. While they share similarities, each alloy has unique properties and applications that make it suitable for specific uses, especially in aerospace, chemical processing, and power generation industries. Below is a detailed comparison of these three superalloys.

Composizione chimica

The chemical composition of each alloy influences its structural properties, corrosion resistance, and performance under high-temperature conditions.

Tabella 1: Composizione chimica

ElementoInconel X-750Inconel 625Inconel 718
Nichel (Ni)70% min58-63%50-55%
Cromo (Cr)14-17%20-23%17-21%
Ferro (Fe)BilanciaBilanciaBilancia
Molibdeno (Mo)2.5-3.0%8-10%2.8-3.3%
Niobio (Nb)0.5-1.0%3,0-4,0%4.75-5.5%
Titanio (Ti)Nessuno0.4-0.7%0.65-1.15%
Carbonio (C)≤0.05%≤0,10%≤0.08%

Proprietà meccaniche

The mechanical properties vary significantly among these alloys, impacting their performance in various applications.

Tabella 2: Proprietà meccaniche

ProprietàInconel X-750Inconel 625Inconel 718
Carico di snervamento (MPa)600 – 1,100380 – 830970 – 1,380
Resistenza alla trazione massima (MPa)700 – 1,100700 – 1.2001,270 – 1,380
Allungamento (%)30% (minimo)30% (minimo)15% (min)
Durezza (Rockwell B)35-4240-5040-44

Prestazioni ad alta temperatura

All three alloys are designed to perform well at high temperatures, but with varying limits and properties.

Tabella 3: Prestazioni alle alte temperature

CaratteristicaInconel X-750Inconel 625Inconel 718
Temperatura di servizioUp to 1,400°F (760°C)Fino a 982°C (1.800°F)Up to 1,300°F (700°C)
Resistenza all'ossidazioneEccellenteEccellenteBene
Resistenza al creepExcellent with additional stabilityMolto beneMolto bene

Resistenza alla corrosione

Corrosion resistance is critical for all three alloys, especially in acidic or high-salinity environments.

Tabella 4: Resistenza alla corrosione

Tipo di corrosioneInconel X-750Inconel 625Inconel 718
Corrosione generaleEccellenteEccellenteMolto bene
Corrosione per vaiolaturaEccellenteEccellenteMolto bene
Cracking per corrosione da stressBeneEccellenteModerare
Resistenza agli acidiMolto beneEccellenteGood (in moderate concentrations)


Weldability is an essential consideration for these alloys, particularly in construction and manufacturing.

Tabella 5: Confronto della saldabilità

CaratteristicaInconel X-750Inconel 625Inconel 718
Saldabilità generaleBene; solitamente non richiede preriscaldamentoGood; may require preheatingGood, but requires preheating
Trattamento Termico Post SaldaturaNot usually requiredGeneralmente non richiestoRequired to relieve stresses
Materiale di riempimentoERNiCr-3ERNi625ERNiFeCr-3


Understanding the application suitability for each alloy helps in selecting the right material for specific environments and engineering needs.

Tabella 6: Applicazioni tipiche

Area di applicazioneInconel X-750Inconel 625Inconel 718
Industria aerospazialeTurbine a gas, camere di combustioneAerospace components under high thermal stressMotori a turbina, componenti strutturali
Elaborazione chimicaHeat exchangers, aerospace valvesChemical processing equipmentReattori ad alta temperatura
Olio e gasTubi e valvole di fondo pozzoComponents for oil and gas extractionOil and gas processing equipment
Produzione di energiaBoiler tubes, componentsTurbines and heat exchangersGas and steam turbine components
Applicazioni marineComponents in aggressive environmentsMarine applications due to excellent corrosion resistanceLess common but used when required

Riepilogo delle differenze

CaratteristicaInconel X-750Inconel 625Inconel 718
Contenuto di nichel70% min58-63%50-55%
Contenuto di cromo14-17%20-23%17-21%
Contenuto di molibdeno2.5-3.0%8-10%2.8-3.3%
Resistenza alla temperaturaUp to 1,400°F (760°C)Fino a 982°C (1.800°F)Up to 1,300°F (700°C)
ApplicazioniVersatile in oil, gas, and aerospaceExcellent for marine and chemical applicationsPreferred in aerospace and high-stress scenarios


Inconel X-750, Inconel 625, and Inconel 718 each offer unique properties that cater to different applications.

  • Inconel X-750 is well-suited for high-temperature and high-stress environments, particularly in power generation and oil and gas applications.
  • Inconel 625 provides excellent corrosion resistance and high-temperature strength, making it ideal for marine and chemical processing applications.
  • Inconel 718 is characterized by its exceptional mechanical properties and is favored in aerospace applications for turbine components and structures.

Selecting the appropriate alloy is critical for optimizing performance and ensuring the longevity of components in demanding environments. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!