Inconel 601 e Inconel 625: un confronto completo

Shanghai Lion Metal Co., Ltd. Divisione leghe a base di nichel

Inconel 601 and Inconel 625 are both high-performance nickel-chromium alloys known for their corrosion resistance and high-temperature capabilities. However, they have distinct compositions, mechanical properties, and applications that make them suitable for different environments. Below is a detailed comparison highlighting the key features of Inconel 601 and Inconel 625.

Composizione chimica

The chemical composition of each alloy significantly influences its performance characteristics.

Tabella 1: Composizione chimica

ElementoInconel 601Inconel 625
Nichel (Ni)58-63%58-72%
Cromo (Cr)21-25%20-23%
Ferro (Fe)BilanciaBilancia
Molibdeno (Mo)Nessuno8-10%
Niobio (Nb)Nessuno3.15-4.15%
Carbonio (C)≤0,10%≤0,10%
Alluminio (Al)1.0-1.5%Nessuno

Proprietà meccaniche

Understanding the mechanical properties of each alloy is crucial for evaluating their performance under stress and elevated temperatures.

Tabella 2: Proprietà meccaniche

ProprietàInconel 601Inconel 625
Carico di snervamento (MPa)250 – 450200 – 310
Resistenza alla trazione massima (MPa)550 – 750450 – 700
Allungamento (%)30% (minimo)30% (minimo)
Durezza (Rockwell B)85-9585-100

Prestazioni ad alta temperatura

Both alloys are designed for high-temperature applications but exhibit different thermal performance characteristics.

Tabella 3: Prestazioni alle alte temperature

CaratteristicaInconel 601Inconel 625
Temperatura di servizioUp to 2,100°F (1,149°C)Fino a 1.900 °F (1.038 °C)
Resistenza all'ossidazioneEccellenteEccellente
Resistenza al creepBeneMolto bene

Resistenza alla corrosione

Corrosion resistance is a fundamental factor in determining the suitability of these alloys for various environments.

Tabella 4: Resistenza alla corrosione

Tipo di corrosioneInconel 601Inconel 625
Corrosione generaleMolto beneEccellente
Corrosione per vaiolaturaBeneEccellente
Cracking per corrosione da stressEccellenteEccellente
Resistenza agli acidiGood in certain acidsExcellent in a broader range


La saldabilità è una considerazione importante quando si selezionano le leghe per la fabbricazione e la riparazione.

Tabella 5: Confronto della saldabilità

CaratteristicaInconel 601Inconel 625
Saldabilità generaleGood; may require specific filler materialBene; solitamente non richiede preriscaldamento
Trattamento Termico Post SaldaturaGeneralmente non richiestoNot usually required
Materiale di riempimentoERNi 601ERNi 625


The specific applications for Inconel 601 and Inconel 625 can significantly impact the choice of material across various industries.

Tabella 6: Applicazioni tipiche

Area di applicazioneInconel 601Inconel 625
Elaborazione chimicaReaction vessels, heat exchangersEquipment in chemical processing
AerospazialeJet engine componentsAircraft engines and components
Industria del petrolio e del gasPipelines, valvesOffshore and downhole applications
Produzione di energiaGas turbinesHeat exchangers and components
Industrial FurnacesFurnace componentsHigh-temperature furnace environments

Riepilogo delle differenze

CaratteristicaInconel 601Inconel 625
Main CompositionNickel-chromium alloy with aluminumNickel-chromium alloy with molybdenum and niobium
Resistenza alla temperaturaUp to 2,100°F (1,149°C)Fino a 1.900 °F (1.038 °C)
Resistenza all'ossidazioneEccellenteEccellente
ApplicazioniSuitable for high-temperature and corrosive environmentsSuperior for severe conditions, like chemical processing and aerospace


Inconel 601 and Inconel 625 both offer excellent resistance to high temperatures and corrosive environments, but they are engineered for different applications:

  • Inconel 601 is valuable for environments where high temperatures and oxidation resistance are critical, making it suitable for applications in chemical processing and aerospace.
  • Inconel 625 excels in more severe environments involving chemical processing, oil and gas, and aerospace, thanks to its outstanding corrosion resistance and superior mechanical properties at elevated temperatures.

Choosing the appropriate alloy depends on the specific requirements of the application, including environmental conditions, operating temperatures, and mechanical stresses. If you have further questions or need assistance, feel free to ask!