Alliage MONEL® R405


MONEL® Alloy R405 Product Introduction

MONEL® alloy R405 is a nickel-copper alloy known for its excellent corrosion resistance and high strength. This product introduction provides a comprehensive overview of its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance across different temperatures, industry applications, shapes, sizes, production standards, standards and corresponding grades in different countries, welding, machining, polishing, heat treatment, cold working, advantages and disadvantages of materials, and similar products.

Composition chimique

ÉlémentComposition (%)
Nickel (Ni)63.0-70.0
Fer (Fe)2.5 max
Manganèse (Mn)2,0 maximum
Silicium (Si)00,5 maximum
Carbone (C)0.3 max
Soufre (S)0.025 max

MONEL® alloy R405 maintains high levels of nickel and copper, which contribute to its outstanding resistance to corrosion, particularly in marine and chemical environments.

Propriétés mécaniques

Tensile Strength (Annealed)550 MPa (80 ksi) min
Yield Strength (Annealed)240 MPa (35 ksi) min
Elongation (Annealed)40% min
Hardness (Annealed)65-85 HRB

The mechanical properties of MONEL® alloy R405 make it suitable for various applications where strength and ductility are required.

Performances à différentes températures

Plage de températurePerformance
Température ambianteExcellent corrosion resistance, good mechanical properties
Elevated Temperatures (up to 300°C / 570°F)Maintains strength and toughness
Températures cryogéniquesConserve la ductilité et la ténacité

MONEL® alloy R405 exhibits consistent performance across a wide range of temperatures, from cryogenic conditions to elevated temperatures.

Applications industrielles

MONEL® alloy R405 is widely used in industries requiring corrosion resistance and high strength:

MarinPropeller shafts, seawater piping
Traitement chimiqueEquipment for handling acids and alkalis
Oil & GasPump shafts, valves, and fittings
AérospatialAircraft components, landing gear

Its reliability in corrosive environments makes it a preferred choice in marine and chemical processing applications.

Formes, tailles et normes de production

Formes et tailles
FormulaireGamme de tailles
FeuillesÉpaisseur : 0,5 mm – 3 mm
AssiettesÉpaisseur : 1 mm – 50 mm
BarresDiamètre : 6 mm – 100 mm
TuyauxDiamètre extérieur : 6 mm – 500 mm
TubesDiamètre extérieur : 6 mm – 300 mm
Normes de production et qualités correspondantes
PaysStandardNote correspondante
États-UnisASTM B164UNS N04404
AllemagneDIN 177502.4867
FranceAFNOR NFM 87-310
Royaume-UniBS 3072, BS 3073NA12
JaponJIS NW 4400
ChineGB/T 12771, GB/T 12770

MONEL® alloy R405 adheres to various international production standards, ensuring consistency and quality across different manufacturing processes.

Soudage, usinage, polissage, traitement thermique et travail à froid

SoudageWelds with matching composition filler metals. Suitable methods include gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) and gas metal arc welding (GMAW).
UsinageRequires sharp tools and proper cooling. Carbide tools are recommended for turning and milling operations.
PolissagePermet d'obtenir une bonne finition de surface grâce à des méthodes mécaniques telles que le polissage et les meules. Le polissage chimique est également efficace.
Traitement thermiqueAnnealing at 870°C (1600°F) followed by water quenching improves ductility and removes residual stresses.
Fonctionnement à froidCan be cold worked to various degrees for shaping. Cold working increases strength and hardness.

MONEL® alloy R405 offers versatility in processing methods, facilitating its integration into complex engineering applications.

Avantages et inconvénients

AvantagesExcellent corrosion resistanceDisponibilité limitée sous certaines formes
Haute résistance et ténacitéL'usinage peut être difficile
Good ductility and toughnessRelatively high cost compared to some alternatives
Suitable for marine and chemical processing applications

Produits similaires

Qualité du matériauComparaison
Alloy K-500Similar composition with added aluminum and titanium for increased strength and hardness.


MONEL® alloy R405 is a reliable nickel-copper alloy renowned for its exceptional corrosion resistance, high strength, and versatility across various industries. Its robust mechanical properties and resistance to corrosive environments make it indispensable in marine, chemical processing, and aerospace applications. Engineers and designers seeking a durable material capable of withstanding harsh conditions can confidently choose MONEL® alloy R405 for optimal performance.

Pour plus de spécifications techniques et de solutions personnalisées, il est recommandé de consulter les fournisseurs de matériaux et de référencer des fiches techniques de produits spécifiques.