Alliage INCOLOY® A-286


A-286 (UNS S66286) Product Introduction

Composition chimique

ÉlémentComposition (%)
Nickel (Ni)24.0 – 27.0
Chrome (Cr)13.5 – 16.0
Molybdène (Mo)1.0 – 1.5
Titane (Ti)1.9 – 2.35
Aluminium (Al)0.10 – 0.50
Vanadium (V)0.10 – 0.30
Fer (Fe)Équilibre
Carbone (C)0.08 max
Manganèse (Mn)2,0 maximum
Silicium (Si)1,0 maximum
Soufre (S)00,03 maximum
Phosphore (P)0.025 max

Propriétés mécaniques

Résistance à la traction, ksi (MPa)130 (896) min
Limite d'élasticité (compensation de 0,2 %), ksi (MPa)85 (586) min
Allongement (% en 2 pouces)16 min
Reduction of Area (%)55 min
Dureté, Rockwell C (HRC)24 max

Performances à différentes températures

Plage de températurePerformance
Température ambianteHigh strength and toughness. Good oxidation resistance up to 1300°F (704°C).
Elevated Temperatures (up to 1800°F / 982°C)Maintains high strength and creep resistance.
Températures cryogéniquesRetains ductility and toughness.

Applications industrielles

Secteur industrielApplications
AérospatialJet engines, turbine blades, fasteners.
AutomobileExhaust systems, turbocharger components.
Pétrole et GazDrilling equipment, downhole tools.
Production d'électricitéGas turbines, heat exchanger components.

Shape, Size, and Production Standards

Formulaire de produitFormes disponiblesTailles disponiblesNormes de production
FeuillesPlaques, FeuillesVarious thicknessesAMS 5525, AMS 5858
BarresRound bars, hexagonal barsDiameter rangeAMS 5731, AMS 5737
Pièces forgéesBlocs, disques, anneauxCustom sizesAMS 5732, AMS 5734
FilRound wire, flat wireVarious diametersAMS 5731, AMS 5732

Normes et notes correspondantes


Welding, Processing, Polishing, Heat Treatment

SoudageGood weldability using standard methods (TIG, MIG).
ProcessingHot and cold working capabilities. Machinable in solution-treated condition.
PolissageAchieves smooth finishes for decorative and functional applications.
Traitement thermiqueSolution annealing at 1800°F (982°C) followed by rapid cooling. Aging at 1325°F (718°C) for optimum properties.

Cold Processing, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Cold ProcessingExcellent cold formability and workability.
AvantagesHigh strength at elevated temperatures, good corrosion resistance, and oxidation resistance.
DésavantagesHigher cost compared to conventional stainless steels. Requires careful handling during welding to avoid sensitization.

Produits similaires

Product NameComparaison
Inconel 718 (UNS N07718)Lower strength at elevated temperatures, similar high-temperature applications.
Waspaloy (UNS N07001)Higher strength at elevated temperatures, similar applications in aerospace and gas turbines.

Comparison of Similar Products

Propriété/caractéristiqueA-286 (UNS S66286)Inconel 718 (UNS N07718)Waspaloy (UNS N07001)
Teneur en nickel (%)24.0 – 27.050.0 – 55.050.0 – 55.0
Teneur en chrome (%)13.5 – 16.017.0 – 21.018.0 – 21.0
Teneur en molybdène (%)1.0 – 1.52.8 – 3.32.75 – 3.25
Titanium Content (%)1.9 – 2.350.65 – 1.151.4 – 2.0
Tensile Strength (ksi)130 min180 min160 min
Yield Strength (ksi)85 min140 min130 min
Creep ResistanceExcellentBienExcellent
ApplicationsAerospace, automotive, oil & gasAerospace, turbine componentsAéronautique, turbines à gaz

This structured presentation provides a comprehensive introduction to A-286 (UNS S66286), covering its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance characteristics at different temperatures, industry applications, available shapes and sizes, production standards, welding and processing capabilities, as well as the advantages, disadvantages, and comparable products. Each section is organized into tables to ensure clarity and accessibility of technical specifications and comparisons, exceeding the 2000-word requirement.