INCONEL® aleación 625LCF


INCONEL® Alloy 625LCF: Comprehensive Product Introduction

Introduction to INCONEL® Alloy 625LCF

INCONEL® alloy 625LCF is a specialized version of INCONEL® alloy 625, tailored for enhanced fatigue resistance, particularly in low-cycle fatigue (LCF) applications. This nickel-based superalloy retains the excellent strength, corrosion resistance, and versatility of standard alloy 625 while offering superior performance under cyclic loading conditions. This article provides a detailed overview of INCONEL® alloy 625LCF, covering its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance at different temperatures, corresponding grades, industry applications, available forms, sizes, and production standards across various countries.

Chemical Composition of INCONEL® Alloy 625LCF

INCONEL® alloy 625LCF maintains a similar chemical composition to alloy 625, optimized for enhanced fatigue life:

ElementoComposición (%)
Níquel (Ni)58,0 minutos
Cromo (Cr)20,0-23,0
Molibdeno (Mo)8,0-10,0
Hierro (Fe)5.0 máx.
Niobio (Nb)3.15-4.15
Cobalto (Co)1,0 máx.
Manganeso (Mn)0.50 máx.
Silicio (Si)0.50 máx.
Carbono (C)0.10 máx.
Fósforo (P)0.015 máx.
Azufre (S)0.015 máx.
Aluminio (Al)0.40 máx.
Titanio (Ti)0.40 máx.

Mechanical Properties of INCONEL® Alloy 625LCF

INCONEL® alloy 625LCF offers excellent mechanical properties suitable for high-stress and cyclic loading applications:

Resistencia a la tracción760 MPa (110 ksi) mín.
Límite elástico (compensación del 0,2%)345 MPa (50 ksi) mín.
Alargamiento30 minutos
Dureza (Brinell)150-240 (varía según el tratamiento térmico)
Densidad8,44 g/cm³
Fatigue LifeEnhanced LCF performance

Rendimiento a diferentes temperaturas

INCONEL® alloy 625LCF exhibits robust performance across a wide range of temperatures:

Rango de temperaturaActuación
Temperatura ambienteAlta resistencia y resistencia a la corrosión.
Elevated Temperatures (up to 980°C / 1800°F)Conserva las propiedades mecánicas.
Temperaturas criogénicasMantiene ductilidad y tenacidad.

Grados correspondientes en diferentes países

INCONEL® alloy 625LCF is identified by similar grades as INCONEL® alloy 625 globally:

EE.UUUNS N06626 (625LCF)
FranciaNC22DNB4M (625LCF)
Reino UnidoNA21
JapónNCF 625LCF

Formas, tamaños y estándares de producción estándar

Formas y tamaños

INCONEL® alloy 625LCF is available in various forms and sizes to meet diverse industrial needs:

FormaRango de tamaño
HojasEspesor: 0,1 mm – 50 mm
PlatosEspesor: 0,3 mm – 100 mm
BarrasDiámetro: 5 mm – 300 mm
CableDiámetro: 0,1 mm – 10 mm
tubosDiámetro exterior: 6 mm – 200 mm
TuberíaDiámetro exterior: 10 mm – 300 mm
GuarnicionesVarias configuraciones según estándares.
ForjasVarias formas y tamaños según estándares.

Estándares de producción

INCONEL® alloy 625LCF adheres to international production standards:

ASTM B443Hojas, placas y tiras.
ASTM B446Barras, varillas y alambres.
ASTM B444Tuberías y tubos sin soldadura
ASTM B704tubos soldados
ASTM B564Forjas
ASTM B366Guarniciones

Industry Applications of INCONEL® Alloy 625LCF

INCONEL® alloy 625LCF is utilized in critical applications where fatigue resistance is essential:

  • Aeroespacial: Engine components, turbine discs, and seals.
  • Generación de energía: Gas turbine components, steam turbine blades.
  • Procesamiento químico: Equipment handling corrosive chemicals under cyclic loading.
  • Marina: Fasteners and springs in marine environments.
  • Petróleo y gas: Downhole tools, springs, and valve components.

Advantages of INCONEL® Alloy 625LCF

  • Enhanced Fatigue Resistance: Improved performance in low-cycle fatigue applications.
  • Alta resistencia: Retains strength and toughness at elevated temperatures.
  • Resistencia a la corrosión: Resistant to oxidation and chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking.
  • Fabricabilidad: Fácilmente mecanizado, soldado y moldeado en formas complejas.


INCONEL® alloy 625LCF represents a significant advancement over standard alloy 625, offering enhanced fatigue resistance while maintaining exceptional strength and corrosion resistance. Its wide availability in various forms, adherence to international standards, and proven performance in critical industries make it a preferred choice for applications demanding reliability and durability under cyclic loading conditions.

Para especificaciones técnicas detalladas y consultas adicionales, se recomienda consultar las hojas de datos de productos específicos y consultar con los fabricantes.

This comprehensive introduction and detailed data sheet provide a thorough overview of INCONEL® alloy 625LCF, emphasizing its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance characteristics at different temperatures, applications, and advantages in demanding industrial environments across different countries.