Aleación de Inconel 600 frente a Aleación de Inconel 601: una comparación completa

División de aleaciones a base de níquel de Shanghai Lion Metal Co., Ltd.

Inconel Alloy 600 and Inconel Alloy 601 are both nickel-chromium alloys known for their resistance to oxidation and high-temperature capabilities. However, they have distinct properties and applications that make them suitable for different environments. Below is a detailed comparison of these two alloys focusing on chemical composition, mechanical properties, high-temperature performance, corrosion resistance, weldability, and applications.

Composición química

La composición química de cada aleación influye significativamente en sus características de rendimiento.

Tabla 1: Composición química

ElementoInconel Alloy 600Inconel Alloy 601
Níquel (Ni)72-76%58-63%
Cromo (Cr)14-17%22-26%
Hierro (Fe)BalanceBalance
Molibdeno (Mo)NoneNone
Carbono (C)≤0.15%≤0.10%
Aluminio (Al)None1.0-1.5%

Propiedades mecánicas

Comprender las propiedades mecánicas de cada aleación es crucial para evaluar su desempeño bajo tensión y temperaturas elevadas.

Tabla 2: Propiedades mecánicas

PropiedadInconel Alloy 600Inconel Alloy 601
Límite elástico (MPa)200 – 310250 – 450
Resistencia máxima a la tracción (MPa)450 – 700550 – 750
Elongación (%)30% (mín.)30% (mín.)
Dureza (Rockwell B)80-10085-95

Rendimiento a alta temperatura

Both alloys are designed for high-temperature applications, but their thermal performance characteristics differ.

Tabla 3: Rendimiento a alta temperatura

CaracterísticaInconel Alloy 600Inconel Alloy 601
Temperatura de servicioUp to 1,900°F (1,038°C)Up to 2,100°F (1,149°C)
Resistencia a la oxidaciónBienExcelente
Resistencia a la fluenciaModerateMuy bien

Resistencia a la corrosión

Corrosion resistance is fundamental in determining the suitability of these alloys for various environments.

Tabla 4: Resistencia a la corrosión

Tipo de corrosiónInconel Alloy 600Inconel Alloy 601
Corrosión generalMuy bienBien
Corrosión por picadurasBienMuy bien
Agrietamiento por corrosión bajo tensiónModerateExcelente
Resistencia al ácidoGood in non-oxidizing acidsExcellent, even in high-temperature environments


Weldability is an important consideration when selecting alloys for fabrication and repair.

Tabla 5: Comparación de soldabilidad

CaracterísticaInconel Alloy 600Inconel Alloy 601
Soldabilidad generalGood; usually does not require preheatingGood; may require preheating
Tratamiento térmico posterior a la soldaduraGenerally not requiredNot usually required
Material de rellenoERNi 600ERNi 601


The specific applications for each alloy can significantly impact the choice of material across various industries.

Tabla 6: Aplicaciones típicas

Área de aplicaciónInconel Alloy 600Inconel Alloy 601
Procesamiento químicoHeat treating equipment, reactorsHeat exchangers in chemical plants
AeroespacialGas turbine componentsHigh-temperature components
Industria del petróleo y el gasOil refining systemsElevated temperature applications
Generación de energíaBoiler tubesSuperheaters and reheaters
Hornos IndustrialesFurnaces and kiln componentsFurnace components for enhanced stability

Resumen de diferencias

CaracterísticaInconel Alloy 600Inconel Alloy 601
Nickel Content72-76%58-63%
Chromium Content14-17%22-26%
Resistencia a la temperaturaUp to 1,900°F (1,038°C)Up to 2,100°F (1,149°C)
Resistencia a la oxidaciónBienExcelente
AplicacionesSuited for chemical processing and oil refiningPreferred for high-temperature applications


Inconel Alloy 600 and Inconel Alloy 601 both offer good resistance to high temperatures and corrosive environments, but they are engineered for different applications:

  • Inconel Alloy 600 is widely utilized in the chemical processing and oil refining industries, known for its resistance to oxidation and moderate high-temperature performance.
  • Inconel Alloy 601 excels in high-temperature applications, offering superior oxidation resistance and creep resistance, making it suitable for environments where temperatures exceed those manageable by Alloy 600.

Choosing the appropriate alloy depends on the specific requirements of the application, including operating environment, temperature range, and mechanical stresses. If you have further questions or need assistance, feel free to ask!