LION® Nickellegierung 200


Nickel 200 Alloy (UNS N02200): Product Introduction

Nickel 200, also known as UNS N02200, is a commercially pure wrought nickel alloy known for its excellent mechanical properties and resistance to various corrosive environments. This article provides a comprehensive introduction to Nickel 200 Alloy, covering its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance at different temperatures, industry applications, shapes and sizes, production standards, welding and processing capabilities, advantages and disadvantages, and a comparison with similar alloys.

Chemische Zusammensetzung

Nickel 200 Alloy has a high nickel content, making it resistant to corrosion in reducing environments:

ElementKomposition (%)
Nickel (Ni)99,0 Min
Kohlenstoff (C)0.15 max
Mangan (Mn)0.35 max
Eisen (Fe)0.40 max
Silizium (Si)0.35 max
Kupfer0.25 max
Schwefel (S)0.01 max

Mechanische Eigenschaften

Nickel 200 Alloy exhibits excellent mechanical properties, suitable for various applications:

Zugfestigkeit, ksi (MPa)55 – 75 (380 – 520)
Streckgrenze (0,2 % Offset), ksi (MPa)15 – 30 (105 – 210)
Dehnung (% in 2 Zoll)40 Min
Härte, Rockwell B (HRB)55 max


Nickel 200 Alloy offers several performance advantages:

  • Korrosionsbeständigkeit: Excellent resistance to many corrosive environments, including acids, alkalies, and neutral salts. However, it is susceptible to corrosion in oxidizing media.
  • Temperaturbeständigkeit: Maintains excellent mechanical properties at both high and low temperatures, making it suitable for cryogenic applications.
  • Elektrische und thermische Leitfähigkeit: High electrical and thermal conductivity, making it ideal for electrical components and heat exchangers.


Nickel 200 Alloy finds widespread use in various industries due to its unique properties:

Chemische VerarbeitungHandling of acids, alkalis, and chemicals in processing equipment and tanks.
ElektronikElectrical components, including connectors, switches, and electronic components.
LebensmittelverarbeitungEquipment for handling and processing food products due to its inertness and cleanliness.

Formen und Größen

Nickel 200 Alloy is available in various forms and sizes to meet diverse application needs:

  • Formen: Bleche, Platten, Stangen, Rohre, Rohre und Drähte.
  • Größen: Die Dicke reicht von 0,1 mm bis 50 mm für Platten und der Durchmesser von 1 mm bis 300 mm für Rundstäbe.


Nickel 200 Alloy conforms to international production standards ensuring quality and reliability:

Produkt FormVerfügbare FormenVerfügbare GrößenProduktionsstandards
Platten/BlätterBlätter, PlattenDicke: 0,1 mm – 50 mmASTM B162, DIN 17750
Stangen/StangenRundstäbe, VierkantstäbeDurchmesser: 1 mm – 300 mmASTM B160, DIN 17752
Rohre/RöhrenNahtlos, geschweißtAußendurchmesser: 1 mm – 300 mmASTM B161, ASTM B163

Schweißen und Bearbeiten

Nickel 200 Alloy offers good weldability and processing characteristics:

  • Schweißen: Can be welded using various methods including TIG, MIG, and resistance welding. It is important to use low carbon filler metals to maintain corrosion resistance.
  • Bearbeitbarkeit: Weist im geglühten Zustand eine gute Bearbeitbarkeit auf. Für Bearbeitungsvorgänge werden Hartmetallwerkzeuge empfohlen.

Vorteile und Nachteile

VorteileHigh corrosion resistance in many environments, excellent mechanical properties over a wide temperature range, good electrical and thermal conductivity.
NachteileSusceptible to corrosion in oxidizing environments, higher cost compared to some other nickel alloys.

Vergleich mit ähnlichen Legierungen

Nickel 200 Alloy (UNS N02200) is often compared with other nickel alloys such as Nickel 201 (UNS N02201) and Alloy 400 (UNS N04400). Here’s a brief comparison:

Legierungstyp/-eigenschaftNickel 200-Legierung (UNS N02200)Nickel 201-Legierung (UNS N02201)Alloy 400 (UNS N04400)
Chemische ZusammensetzungHoher Nickelgehalt mit niedrigem Kohlenstoffgehalt, geeignet für reduzierende Umgebungen.Similar to Nickel 200 but with lower carbon content, improving ductility.High nickel content with moderate to high levels of copper, offering good corrosion resistance.
KorrosionsbeständigkeitExcellent resistance to acids, alkalis, and neutral salts, but susceptible to oxidizing environments.Improved ductility and lower carbon content, making it less prone to embrittlement in certain applications.Excellent resistance to seawater and steam at high temperatures, good resistance to a wide range of corrosive media.
AnwendungenChemische Verarbeitung, Elektronik, Lebensmittelhandhabung.Chemical and electronic applications requiring high purity and low carbon.Marine environments, chemical processing, and high-temperature applications.

This detailed article introduces Nickel 200 Alloy (UNS N02200), highlighting its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance characteristics, industry applications, available forms and sizes, production standards, welding and processing capabilities, as well as advantages, disadvantages, and a comparison with similar alloys. Engineers and professionals seeking a versatile and corrosion-resistant material for a wide range of applications will find Nickel 200 Alloy suitable for various demanding environments.