Inconel 625 vs. Inconel 600: Ein umfassender Vergleich

Shanghai Lion Metal Co., Ltd. Abteilung für Nickellegierungen

Inconel 625 and Inconel 600 are both nickel-chromium alloys known for their excellent corrosion resistance and high-temperature performance. However, they possess distinct properties and applications, making each suitable for different environments. Below is a detailed comparison of these two alloys focusing on their chemical composition, mechanical properties, high-temperature performance, corrosion resistance, weldability, and applications.

Chemische Zusammensetzung

The chemical composition of each alloy significantly affects its performance characteristics.

Tabelle 1: Chemische Zusammensetzung

ElementInconel 625Inconel 600
Nickel (Ni)58–63 %72-76%
Chrom (Cr)20–23 %14-17 %
Eisen (Fe)GleichgewichtGleichgewicht
Molybdän (Mo)8-10 %Keiner
Niob (Nb)3,0-4,0 %Keiner
Kohlenstoff (C)≤0,10 %≤0.15%

Mechanische Eigenschaften

Understanding the mechanical properties of each alloy is crucial for evaluating performance under stress and elevated temperatures.

Tabelle 2: Mechanische Eigenschaften

EigentumInconel 625Inconel 600
Streckgrenze (MPa)280 – 345200 – 310
Höchste Zugfestigkeit (MPa)700 – 1.200450 – 700
Dehnung (%)30 Minuten)30 Minuten)
Härte (Rockwell B)40-5080-100


Both alloys are designed for high-temperature applications, but their thermal performance characteristics differ.

Tabelle 3: Hochtemperaturleistung

BesonderheitInconel 625Inconel 600
BetriebstemperaturBis zu 982 °C (1.800 °F)Up to 1,900°F (1,038°C)
KriechwiderstandSehr gutMäßig


Corrosion resistance is fundamental in determining the suitability of these alloys for various environments.

Tabelle 4: Korrosionsbeständigkeit

KorrosionstypInconel 625Inconel 600
Allgemeine KorrosionExzellentSehr gut
SäurebeständigkeitGood in moderate acidic environmentsVery good in non-oxidizing acids


Weldability is an important consideration when selecting alloys for fabrication and repair.

Tabelle 5: Vergleich der Schweißbarkeit

BesonderheitInconel 625Inconel 600
Allgemeine SchweißbarkeitGut; erfordert oft VorheizenGut; erfordert normalerweise kein Vorheizen
WärmenachbehandlungIm Allgemeinen nicht erforderlichIm Allgemeinen nicht erforderlich
FüllmaterialERNiCrMo-3ERNi 600


The specific applications for each alloy can significantly impact the choice of material in different industries.

Tabelle 6: Typische Anwendungen

AnwendungsbereichInconel 625Inconel 600
Chemische VerarbeitungEquipment in harsh environmentsHeat exchangers, furnace components
Luft- und RaumfahrtTurbine components, exhaust systemsIn Luft- und Raumfahrtanwendungen seltener
Öl-und GasindustrieBohrlochrohre, VentileOil refining and transport
MarineanwendungenMarinekomponenten, Offshore-AnwendungenWird in Meeresumgebungen seltener verwendet
EnergieerzeugungKomponenten für GasturbinenBoiler tubes, heat exchangers

Zusammenfassung der Unterschiede

BesonderheitInconel 625Inconel 600
Nickelgehalt58–63 %72-76%
Chromgehalt20–23 %14-17 %
Molybdängehalt8-10 %Keiner
TemperaturbeständigkeitBis zu 982 °C (1.800 °F)Up to 1,900°F (1,038°C)
AnwendungenPreferred for chemical and aerospace applicationsSuited for heat exchangers and oil refining


Inconel 625 and Inconel 600 both offer excellent corrosion resistance and high-temperature capabilities, but they are suited for different applications based on their properties:

  • Inconel 625 excels in harsh environments, particularly in chemical processing and aerospace applications, with outstanding oxidation resistance and high-temperature strength.
  • Inconel 600 is preferred for applications requiring high-temperature stability and resistance to corrosive environments, especially in heat exchangers and oil refining.

Choosing the appropriate alloy depends on the specific requirements of the application, including environmental conditions and mechanical stresses. If you have further questions or need assistance, feel free to ask!