Liga MONEL® 404


MONEL® Alloy 404 Product Introduction

MONEL® alloy 404 is a nickel-copper alloy renowned for its excellent corrosion resistance and high strength, particularly in marine environments. This product introduction covers its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance across different temperatures, industry applications, shapes, sizes, production standards, welding, machining, polishing, heat treatment, cold working, advantages and disadvantages, and similar products.

Composição química

ElementoComposição (%)
Níquel (Ni)52.5 min
Ferro (Fe)1,0 máx.
Manganês (Mn)1.5 max
Silício (Si)00,5 máx.
Carbono (C)0.3 max
Enxofre (S)00,02 máx.

Propriedades mecânicas

Resistência à tração (recozida)450 MPa (65 ksi) min
Resistência ao rendimento (recozido)170 MPa (25 ksi) min
Elongation (Annealed)40% min
Hardness (Annealed)70 HRB max

Desempenho em diferentes temperaturas

Faixa de temperaturaDesempenho
Temperatura do quartoExcellent corrosion resistance, good mechanical properties
Elevated Temperatures (up to 300°C / 570°F)Maintains strength and toughness
Temperaturas CriogênicasMantém ductilidade e tenacidade

Aplicações Industriais

MONEL® alloy 404 finds applications in various industries for its corrosion resistance and mechanical properties:

MarinhoShipbuilding, seawater piping
Processamento QuímicoSulfuric acid production, chemical vessels
AeroespacialAircraft components, fuel tanks
Oil & GasValve trim, pump shafts

Formas, tamanhos e padrões de produção

Formas e tamanhos
FormaFaixa de tamanho
FolhasEspessura: 0,5 mm – 3 mm
PratosEspessura: 1mm – 50mm
BarrasDiâmetro: 6mm – 100mm
TubosDE: 6 mm – 500 mm
TubosDE: 6 mm – 300 mm
Padrões de produção e classes correspondentes
PaísPadrãoNota correspondente
Estados UnidosASTM B127, ASTM B164UNS N04404
AlemanhaDIN 17750, DIN 177512.4867
FrançaAFNOR NFM 87-310
Reino UnidoBS 3072, BS 3073NA12
JapãoJIS NW 4404
ChinaGB/T 12771, GB/T 12770

Soldagem, Usinagem, Polimento, Tratamento Térmico e Trabalho a Frio

SoldagemWelds with matching composition filler metals. Suitable methods include gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) and gas metal arc welding (GMAW).
UsinagemRequires sharp tools and proper cooling. Carbide tools are recommended for turning and milling operations.
PolimentoAlcança um bom acabamento superficial com métodos mecânicos, como discos de polimento e polimento. O polimento químico também é eficaz.
Tratamento térmicoAnnealing at 870°C (1600°F) followed by water quenching improves ductility and removes residual stresses.
Trabalho a frioCan be cold worked to various degrees for shaping. Cold working increases strength and hardness.

Vantagens e desvantagens

VantagensExcelente resistência à corrosãoDisponibilidade limitada em certos formatos
High strength and toughnessA usinagem pode ser um desafio
Good ductility and toughnessRelatively high cost compared to some alternatives
Suitable for marine and chemical processing applications

Produtos Similares

Grau de materialComparação
Alloy K-500Similar composition with added aluminum and titanium for increased strength and hardness.


MONEL® alloy 404 is a versatile nickel-copper alloy ideal for applications requiring corrosion resistance and high strength in harsh environments. Its combination of mechanical properties and resistance to marine and chemical environments makes it suitable for a wide range of industries. Engineers and designers seeking a durable material with excellent performance characteristics can rely on MONEL® alloy 404 for dependable solutions.

For detailed technical specifications and customized solutions, consulting with material suppliers and referencing specific product data sheets is recommended.lting with material suppliers and referencing specific product data sheets is recommended.