LION® liga F60

Duplex Steel F60 (UNS S32205): Product Introduction

Duplex stainless steel F60, also known as UNS S32205, is a versatile alloy known for its excellent corrosion resistance, high strength, and durability. This article provides a comprehensive introduction to Duplex Steel F60 (UNS S32205), covering its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance at different temperatures, industry applications, shapes and sizes, production standards, welding and processing capabilities, advantages and disadvantages, and a comparison with similar alloys.

Composição química

Duplex Steel F60 (UNS S32205) has a balanced chemical composition that enhances its corrosion resistance and mechanical strength:

ElementoComposição (%)
Cromo (Cr)22.0 – 23.0
Níquel (Ni)4,5 – 6,5
Molibdênio (Mo)3.0 – 3.5
Manganês (Mn)2,0 máx.
Silício (Si)1,0 máx.
Carbono (C)00,030 máx.
Fósforo (P)00,030 máx.
Enxofre (S)00,020 máx.

Propriedades mecânicas

Duplex Steel F60 (UNS S32205) exhibits excellent mechanical properties suitable for a wide range of applications:

Resistência à tração, ksi (MPa)90 min (620 min)
Força de rendimento (compensação de 0,2%), ksi (MPa)65 minutos (450 minutos)
Alongamento (% em 2 polegadas)25 minutos
Dureza, Rockwell C (HRC)30 no máximo

Características de desempenho

Duplex Steel F60 (UNS S32205) offers superior performance across various conditions:

  • Resistência à corrosão: Excellent resistance to chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking (SCC), pitting, and crevice corrosion in aggressive environments, such as seawater and chemical processing.
  • Força: Good combination of strength and toughness, suitable for structural applications requiring high mechanical properties.
  • Soldabilidade: Good weldability with appropriate filler materials and techniques, ensuring ease of fabrication and repair.

Aplicações Industriais

Duplex Steel F60 (UNS S32205) finds extensive use in industries requiring robust corrosion resistance and high strength:

Setor IndustrialFormulários
Petróleo e GásOffshore and subsea pipelines, heat exchangers, and pressure vessels.
Processamento QuímicoPetrochemical plants, desalination systems, and chemical reactors.
ConstructionStructural components in bridges, buildings, and architectural features.

Formas e tamanhos

Duplex Steel F60 (UNS S32205) is available in various forms and sizes to meet specific application needs:

  • Formulários: Chapas, chapas, barras, tubos, tubulações e conexões.
  • Tamanhos: Espessuras variando de 0,5 mm a 50 mm para chapas e diâmetros variando de 6 mm a 300 mm para barras redondas.

Padrões de produção

Duplex Steel F60 (UNS S32205) adheres to international production standards ensuring quality and reliability:

Formulário de produtoFormas disponíveisTamanhos disponíveisPadrões de produção
Placas/FolhasLençóis, PratosEspessura: 0,5 mm – 50 mmASTM A240, EN 10088
Barras/hastesBarras redondas, barras quadradasDiâmetro: 6mm – 300mmASTM A276, EN 10088
Canos/TubosSem costura, soldadoDE: 6 mm – 300 mmASTM A790, ASTM A789

Soldagem e Processamento

Duplex Steel F60 (UNS S32205) offers good weldability and processing characteristics:

  • Soldagem: Pode ser soldado usando métodos padrão como TIG, MIG e soldagem por arco submerso, com pré-aquecimento adequado e tratamento térmico pós-soldagem para manter a resistência à corrosão.
  • Usinabilidade: Geralmente inferior aos aços inoxidáveis ​​austeníticos, exigindo velocidades mais lentas e mais potência para operações de usinagem.

Vantagens e desvantagens

VantagensExcellent corrosion resistance in harsh environments, good combination of strength and toughness, suitable for diverse industrial applications.
DesvantagensLower toughness compared to austenitic stainless steels, requires careful handling during welding and fabrication due to its dual-phase microstructure.

Comparação com ligas semelhantes

Duplex Steel F60 (UNS S32205) is often compared with other duplex stainless steels such as F51 (UNS S31803) and super duplex stainless steels like F55 (UNS S32760). Here’s a brief comparison:

Tipo/propriedade da ligaAço Duplex F60 (UNS S32205)Aço Duplex F51 (UNS S31803)Super Duplex Steel F55 (UNS S32760)
Resistência à corrosãoExcelente resistência à corrosão induzida por cloreto, incluindo corrosão por pite e em frestas.Excellent resistance, slightly lower than F60 in aggressive chloride environments.Enhanced resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion, particularly in seawater applications.
ForçaGood combination of strength and toughness, suitable for structural applications.High strength with good toughness, suitable for general-purpose applications.Highest strength among duplex steels, ideal for heavy-duty applications in harsh environments.
FormuláriosOil and gas, chemical processing, construction sectors.Similar applications with broader use in structural and architectural applications.Offshore platforms, heat exchangers, and seawater handling systems.

This detailed article introduces Duplex Steel F60 (UNS S32205), highlighting its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance characteristics, industry applications, available forms and sizes, production standards, welding and processing capabilities, as well as advantages, disadvantages, and a comparison with similar alloys. Engineers and professionals seeking durable materials for applications requiring corrosion resistance and high strength will find this information valuable for selecting the appropriate alloy to meet specific operational needs.