인코넬 718 대 인코넬 X-750: 종합 비교

상하이라이온메탈(주) 니켈기합금 사업부

Inconel 718 and Inconel X-750 are nickel-chromium-based superalloys known for their exceptional strength and resistance to extreme environments. These alloys are commonly used in high-temperature applications, especially in the aerospace, chemical processing, and power generation industries. Despite their similarities, they have distinct properties and applications. This document will provide a detailed comparison of these two alloys across various parameters.

화학적 구성 요소

The primary difference between Inconel 718 and Inconel X-750 lies in their chemical composition, which affects their mechanical properties and resistance to environmental degradation.

표 1: 화학 성분

요소인코넬 718인코넬 X-750
니켈(Ni)50-55%70% min
탄소(C)≤0.08%0.05% 이하

기계적 성질

The mechanical properties of Inconel 718 and Inconel X-750 significantly impact their applications in various industries.

표 2: 기계적 성질

재산인코넬 718인코넬 X-750
항복강도(MPa)970 – 1,380600 – 1,100
극한 인장 강도(MPa)1,270 – 1,380700 – 1,100
신장률(%)15% (min)30%(최소)
경도(로크웰 B)40-4435-42

High-Temperature Strength

Both alloys exhibit excellent strength at high temperatures, but their performance may vary depending on the specific operating conditions.

Table 3: High-Temperature Strength

특징인코넬 718인코넬 X-750
서비스 온도Up to 1,300°F (700°C)Up to 1,400°F (760°C)
산화 저항좋은훌륭한
크리프 저항매우 좋은Excellent with additional stability

부식 저항

Both Inconel 718 and Inconel X-750 have excellent resistance to oxidation and corrosion, but they perform differently in various environments.

표 4: 내식성

부식 유형인코넬 718인코넬 X-750
일반 부식훌륭한훌륭한
피팅 부식매우 좋은훌륭한
응력 부식 균열보통의좋은
내산성Good (in moderate concentrations)산성 환경에서 매우 좋음


Both Inconel alloys are weldable, but there are notable differences in their weldability and post-weld treatments.

표 5: 용접성 비교

특징인코넬 718인코넬 X-750
일반 용접성Good but requires preheating좋은; 일반적으로 예열이 필요하지 않습니다.
용접 후 열처리Required to relieve stresses일반적으로 필요하지 않음
충전재ERNiFeCr-3 (for welding)ERNiCr-3


Understanding the applications of each alloy helps in selecting the right material for specific environments and engineering needs.

표 6: 일반적인 애플리케이션

적용분야인코넬 718인코넬 X-750
Aerospace IndustryTurbine engines, structural componentsGas turbines, combustion chambers
발전가스 터빈 부품Heat exchangers, combustors
화학 처리High-temperature reactorsProcess equipment in petrochemical
석유 및 가스Downhole tubing and valvesGas and oil extraction equipment
Nuclear EngineeringReactor cores, control rodsReactor components

차이점 요약

특징인코넬 718인코넬 X-750
니켈 함량50-55%70% min
크롬 함량17-21%14-17%
Higher yield and tensile strengthLower but good strength
High-Temperature UseUp to 1,300°F (700°C)Up to 1,400°F (760°C)
용접성Good, requires preheatingGood, generally no preheating
애플리케이션Aerospace, power generationTurbines, nuclear applications


Inconel 718 and Inconel X-750 are both exceptional superalloys that provide excellent performance in high-temperature and corrosive environments. The choice between these two alloys largely depends on the specific application requirements.

  • 인코넬 718 is more suitable for aerospace applications due to its higher strength and excellent mechanical properties at elevated temperatures. It is often preferred in applications involving extreme conditions and where structural integrity is vital.
  • 인코넬 X-750 is commonly used in power generation and chemical processing industries due to its high oxidation resistance and good resistance to thermal fatigue. It is ideal for components where stress-corrosion resistance is critical.

Understanding these differences will guide engineers and decision-makers in selecting the most appropriate material for their specific needs and operational requirements. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!