HASTELLOY B-3 (UNS N10675) Product Introduction

HASTELLOY B-3 (UNS N10675) is a nickel-molybdenum alloy renowned for its exceptional resistance to a wide range of aggressive chemicals, including hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, and other strong reducing agents. This article provides a comprehensive introduction to HASTELLOY B-3, covering its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance characteristics at different temperatures, industry applications, available shapes and sizes, production standards, welding and processing capabilities, as well as advantages, disadvantages, and comparisons with similar products.

화학적 구성 요소

요소구성 (%)
니켈(Ni)65.0 min
몰리브덴(Mo)28.0 – 32.0
철(Fe)최대 1.0
크롬(Cr)1.5 max
코발트(Co)최대 2.5
망간(Mn)최대 1.0
실리콘(Si)0최대 0.10
탄소(C)0최대 0.01
인(P)0.015 최대
유황(S)0.010 최대

기계적 성질

인장 강도, ksi(MPa)110(760)분
항복 강도(0.2% 오프셋), ksi(MPa)51 (350) min
신율(2인치 단위의 %)40분
경도, 로크웰 B(HRB)94 max

다양한 온도에서의 성능

HASTELLOY B-3 demonstrates excellent performance across various temperature ranges:

  • 실온: Superior resistance to reducing acids like hydrochloric, sulfuric, and phosphoric acids, making it ideal for chemical processing equipment.
  • Elevated Temperatures (up to 1000°F / 538°C): Maintains high strength and corrosion resistance in aggressive industrial environments.
  • 저온: 극저온까지 연성 및 인성을 유지하므로 극한 조건에서 신뢰성이 요구되는 응용 분야에 적합합니다.

산업 응용

HASTELLOY B-3 is widely used in several critical industries:

산업 분야애플리케이션
화학 처리Reactor vessels, heat exchangers, and piping systems handling corrosive acids and chemicals.
석유화학Equipment for processing sulfuric acid, acetic acid, and other aggressive chemicals in refineries.
제약Pharmaceutical processing equipment requiring corrosion resistance to acids and harsh environments.
펄프 및 종이Bleach plant equipment, digesters, and other components exposed to corrosive chemicals in paper production.

모양, 크기 및 생산 표준

제품 형태사용 가능한 모양사용 가능한 크기생산 표준
시트플레이트, 시트Thickness: 0.025″ – 4.000″ (0.64mm – 101.6mm)ASTM B333
둥근 막대, 육각형 막대Diameter: 0.25″ – 4.0″ (6.35mm – 101.6mm)ASTM B335
튜브/파이프심리스 튜브, 용접 파이프OD: 0.5″ – 8.0″ (12.7mm – 203.2mm)ASTM B619, ASTM B622

표준 및 해당 등급

미국UNS N10675

용접, 가공, 연마, 열처리

용접TIG, MIG 방법을 사용하여 용접성이 뛰어나 부식 환경에서도 강력하고 안정적인 접합을 보장합니다.
처리기존 방법을 사용하여 가공이 가능하며 제조 공정에 유연성을 제공합니다.
세련향상된 내식성과 미적 매력을 위해 매끄러운 마감을 달성할 수 있습니다.
열처리Solution annealing at 1950°F (1065°C) followed by rapid quenching optimizes material properties and performance.

냉간 가공, 장점 및 단점

냉간 가공실온에서 연성 및 성형성을 유지하여 성형 및 제조를 용이하게 합니다.
장점Exceptional resistance to a broad range of corrosive chemicals, high mechanical strength, and reliability in harsh environments.
단점기존 스테인리스강에 비해 초기 비용이 높으며 특정 모양과 크기의 가용성이 제한될 수 있습니다.

유사한 제품

Hastelloy C-276 (UNS N10276)Higher nickel and molybdenum content, broader resistance to oxidizing and reducing environments.
Hastelloy B (UNS N10001)Similar nickel content, lower molybdenum content, suitable for less severe corrosive conditions.

유사 제품 비교

속성/특징Hastelloy B-3하스텔로이 C-276Hastelloy B
니켈 함량(%)
몰리브덴 함량(%)28.0 –
크롬 함량(%)1.516.01.0
인장 강도(ksi)110분100분110분
항복강도(ksi)51 min40분51 min
부식 저항Excellent in reducing acids like hydrochloric and sulfuric acid, high resistance to pitting and stress corrosion cracking.강력한 산화제 및 환원제를 포함한 광범위한 부식성 환경.Good resistance to reducing acids, moderate resistance to oxidizing environments.

This article serves as a detailed introduction to HASTELLOY B-3 (UNS N10675), highlighting its chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance in various environments, industry applications, available forms and sizes, production standards, welding and processing capabilities, as well as advantages, disadvantages, and comparisons with similar alloys. The structured presentation using tables ensures clarity and accessibility of technical information, catering to engineers, manufacturers, and professionals seeking corrosion-resistant materials for demanding applications.