INCOLOY®-Legierung 020


INCOLOY Alloy 020 (UNS N08020) Product Introduction

Chemische Zusammensetzung

ElementKomposition (%)
Nickel (Ni)32,0 – 38,0
Chrom (Cr)19.0 – 21.0
Eisen (Fe)Bal.
Kupfer3.0 – 4.0
Molybdän (Mo)2,0 – 3,0
Mangan (Mn)2,0 max
Kohlenstoff (C)0.02 max
Silizium (Si)1,0 max
Schwefel (S)0.035 max
Phosphor (P)0.045 max

Mechanische Eigenschaften

Zugfestigkeit, ksi (MPa)80 (550) min
Streckgrenze (0,2 % Offset), ksi (MPa)35 (240) min
Dehnung (% in 2 Zoll)30 Minuten
Hardness, Brinell (HB)150 max

Leistung bei verschiedenen Temperaturen

ZimmertemperaturGood mechanical properties and corrosion resistance.
High Temperatures (up to 1900°F / 1040°C)Maintains strength and oxidation resistance.
Low TemperaturesRetains toughness and ductility at cryogenic temperatures.


Chemische VerarbeitungSulfuric acid production, phosphoric acid production.
PetrochemieReactors, heat exchangers.
LebensmittelverarbeitungFood handling equipment.
PharmazeutischPharmaceutical processing equipment, reactors.

Form, Größe und Produktionsstandards

Produkt FormVerfügbare FormenVerfügbare GrößenProduktionsstandards
BlätterPlatten, BlätterVerschiedene StärkenASTM B463, ASTM B366
RiegelRundstäbe, SechskantstäbeDurchmesserbereichASTM B462, ASTM B464
Rohre/RohreNahtlose Rohre, geschweißte RohreVarious dimensionsASME SB-462, ASME SB-464

Standards und entsprechende Noten

JapanNW 08020

Schweißen, Bearbeiten, Polieren, Wärmebehandlung

SchweißenGood weldability using TIG, MIG methods.
wird bearbeitetCold and hot forming processes. Machinable with standard methods.
PolierenAchieves smooth finishes suitable for sanitary applications.
WärmebehandlungAnnealing at 1950°F (1065°C) followed by rapid quenching.

Kaltverarbeitung, Vor- und Nachteile

KaltverarbeitungExcellent formability and cold workability.
VorteileHigh corrosion resistance, good mechanical properties at elevated temperatures.
NachteileHigher cost compared to standard stainless steels. Requires careful welding practices to avoid sensitization.

Ähnliche Produkte

Incoloy 800 (UNS N08800)Lower nickel content, similar applications.
Incoloy 825 (UNS N08825)Higher molybdenum and copper content, enhanced corrosion resistance.

This structured presentation provides a detailed insight into the chemical composition, mechanical properties, performance characteristics at different temperatures, industry applications, shapes and sizes available, production standards, welding and processing capabilities, as well as the advantages, disadvantages, and similar products related to INCOLOY Alloy 020 (UNS N08020). Each section is presented in a table format to ensure clarity and ease of reference for technical specifications and comparisons.